After coronavirus infection: Trump transferred to military hospital


The President of the United States, Trump, actually wanted to quarantine himself at the White House. But on the advice of doctors and as a “pure precaution” now they take him to a clinic. Before that, he was treated with an experimental antibody cocktail.

After becoming infected with the corona virus, US President Donald Trump was transferred to Walter Reed Military Hospital in Bethesda, north of Washington. The White House said Trump will work from the president’s office at the hospital for the next few days. It is purely a precautionary measure on the recommendation of doctors. Trump showed “mild symptoms” after the infection. But he is still in a good mood and has worked all day.

The president himself published a short video statement on Twitter, in which he thanked the “enormous support.” “I think I’m doing very well,” Trump said. But you want to make sure that everything goes well. First Lady Melania Trump is also doing very well.

The US Presidential Office also announced that Trump had not transferred government power to his Vice President Mike Pence despite his admission to the clinic. Reporters present reported that Trump ran under his own power from the White House to the helicopter that took him to the clinic. The president wore a mask. The flight itself only took a few minutes.


Trump, wearing a mask, on his way to the helicopter, which shortly after takes him to the military hospital.

(Photo: REUTERS)

According to his doctor, Trump received a single dose of a combination of antibodies from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals as a treatment. The president is generally tired, but in a good mood, according to a review by Sean Conley, which Trump’s press spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany shared on Twitter. In late September, Regeneron applied for emergency approval for his experimental REGN-COV2 antibody combination.

The infusion went smoothly, Conley said. The doctor did not provide details about Trump’s symptoms. First lady Melania, on the other hand, was told that she was still fine and only had a slight cough and headache.

Trump had been examined by a team of experts, with whom the additional procedure would be coordinated, Conley explained. Trump is receiving zinc, vitamin D, the stomach drug famotidine, the sleep hormone melatonin, and aspirin. At 74, Trump belongs to a corona risk group.

Biden performs in Michigan

Conley announced Friday night that the 74-year-old president and 50-year-old first lady had tested positive for the corona virus. Trump later tweeted: “We will begin our quarantine and recovery immediately. We will pass this through TOGETHER.”

About a month before the US election, the infection is also forcing Trump to suspend his personal campaign appearances. Trump’s campaign leader Bill Stepien said that all previously announced campaign events involving the Republican will be postponed or held online. Vice President Pence, however, plans to resume his campaign events. He had previously tested negative for coronavirus. The election will take place on November 3.


Biden campaigning in Michigan.

(Photo: REUTERS)

Trump’s challenger Joe Biden of the US Democrats, who also tested negative, continues his election campaign. As planned, he delivered a speech in Grand Rapids in the highly competitive state of Michigan in the United States. Trump’s crown infection is a warning to take the virus seriously, Biden said there. “It will not disappear automatically.”

Biden, who was wearing a mask, said he was praying for Trump and his wife, Melania. He called on people to listen to scientists on the pandemic, wear masks, keep your distance, and wash their hands regularly. “It’s not about being a tough guy,” the 77-year-old Democrat said. It’s about making your contribution. “We, as a nation, must better deal with this pandemic,” he warned. Biden did not attack Trump directly, but his words were also to be understood as an allusion to his handling of the corona virus.
