After a search: the missing boy from Essen is back


The missing ten-year-old from Essen has reappeared. Police had searched for the boy with various emergency services and a photo.

The missing boy from Essen-Werden has reappeared. Essen police announced this on Friday evening. He was doing well, a spokeswoman said.

A woman had met the boy on Friday night at 5:55 pm at the Leverkusen train station. Officials said he was on the road without a jacket and that he was completely frozen. The alarmed police eventually took the boy back to Essen.

Missing child from Essen: many citizens helped with the search

Police searched for the boy with a photo on Friday and asked the population for help. According to the report, the 10-year-old boy ran out of his sister’s apartment in Altenessen on Thursday after an argument. Later, family members reported her missing. In the evening, he was finally seen in Altenessen-Süd at 5.30 pm

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Police had already used numerous patrol cars and a helicopter, as well as detector dogs, to search for them on Friday night. Even Friday afternoon there was still no trace. Many citizens participated in the search, police spokesman Christoph Wickhorst reported Friday afternoon.

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Some of the kids called and said they wanted to help find Dennis B. “Thank you so much to everyone who supported us in the chase,” Wickhorst said Friday night. (red / dpa)

You can find more news from Essen here.
