Affair of the mask: Berlin CDU politician Niels Korte resigns his candidacy to the Bundestag


The CDU politician Niels Korte from Berlin draws conclusions from the accusations in the matter of his party’s mask. According to the party, the member of the Treptow-Köpenick district is not running for the Bundestag.

Korte, a former member of the House of Representatives, had been involved in the mask business. The general secretary of the CDU, Stefan Evers, said: “After the conclusions and transparencies that he has exposed, he has no reproach either as a businessman or as a member of the party.” In this context, Korte acted responsibly for the party.

In the first wave of the pandemic, Korte is said to have benefited from potentially unfair deals with protective teams. Korte, who works as a lawyer and management consultant, is said to have asked his friend from the party, Health Minister Jens Spahn, for support. The politician admitted that a real estate company in which he has shares sold protective masks in April 2020.

“I strongly reject allegations that the company in which I am indirectly involved received the contract due to political contacts or that the award was carried out without a public tender,” wrote Korte, who was a member of the Berlin House of Representatives from 2011 to 2016., on Facebook.

The matter of deputies’ mask deals in the crown pandemic had recently driven the CDU and CSU into serious political anguish. Therefore, the members of the Union Georg Nüßlein, Nikolas Löbel and Mark Hauptmann resigned. Additionally, CSU politician Tobias Zech resigned from his mandate.

In the ARD program »Anne Will«, Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned the business of various members of the Union’s parliamentary group. What had happened “is totally unacceptable and outrageous,” he said. The fact that they are members of the Union “hurts especially.” But now “the necessary conclusions have been drawn.”
