AfD MPs ignore requirement to wear a mask in Bundestag


meIt took exactly twenty minutes for Wolfgang Schäuble to call for order. The first plenary session of the Bundestag since the President of the Bundestag ordered a mask requirement had started at 1 pm Wednesday. The questioning of Chancellor Heiko Maas was on the agenda. However, on the unofficial agenda was how to deal with the mask requirement, which Schäuble had ordered for the Bundestag buildings due to the increasing number of corona infections effective from Tuesday.

Johannes Leithäuser

Eckart Lohse

At 1:20 pm, AfD deputy Franziska Gminder entered the room under the Reichstag dome. She did not cover her prescribed mouth and nose on the way to her own seat. Shortly before the start of the session, the vice president of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Kubicki, said in an interview with the FAZ that in such a case there would be a friendly warning first.

Now, Wolfgang Schäuble occasionally cultivates a form of friendship that mixes with elements of toughness. In a shrill voice, he pointed out the mask requirement to AfD MPs. In the event of a violation, he could issue a call to order, he threatened Schäuble, but added that he had not yet been. The directed fiddled with his mask without putting it on until he reached his seat. There duty expired.

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But the theater was not over yet. Gminder’s friend from the party, Beatrix von Storch, who had also not entered the room wearing a mask, but had played with it, shouted from her seat in the direction of the President of the Bundestag that he himself was not wearing a mask. Schäuble had enough: “Mrs. Von Storch, I’m calling you to order.”
