AfD: MPs from other parties are outraged by violations of the crown


Violations by AfD politicians against the crown protection measures in the Bundestag lead members of the other parliamentary groups to the barricades. The behavior of the right-wing populists “borders on bodily injury,” said the parliamentary director of the SPD parliamentary group. Carsten schneider, the publishing network of Germany. “It’s humanly indecent and it disgusts me.”

The Parliamentary Executive Director of the Union Group, Michael Grosse-Brömer (CDU), said AfD MPs downplay the dangers posed by the virus and, through their specific behavior, endanger other colleagues and, sadly, also Bundestag employees. That is irresponsible. “

“The carelessness with which the AfD presents itself in the Bundestag is a great risk for employees and parliamentarians,” said the parliamentary manager of the Green parliamentary group. Britta haßelmann. AfD MPs continued to shake hands and wear their masks “not correctly,” he complained. “That is unacceptable and irresponsible behavior.”

“I am not surprised that the AfD faction in the Bundestag is becoming a super-leading faction,” said the left-wing parliamentary secretary. Jan Korte. After all, the AfD is the party “that complains about wearing masks, surrounds itself with crown deniers and also invites them to the Bundestag.” The question arises: “What part does the AfD have with this irresponsible behavior, partly publicly displayed, in the fact that we now have to move to the second shutdown?”

According to the RND, the AfD parliamentary group recently had the highest number of corona cases; Currently there are talk of ten. An infected member of the parliamentary group participated in a meeting of the commission of inquiry into the attack on Breitscheidplatz.

AfD member of the Bundestag Thomas Seitz is in hospital with a report from the crown. He had previously been seen wearing a perforated mask in the plenary hall and was reprimanded for this by the Vice-President of the Bundestag, Claudia Roth (Greens).

Ostbeauftragter jointly blames AfD for the high number of cases

The Eastern Commissioner of the Federal Government, Marco Wanderwitz (CDU), jointly holds the AfD responsible for the tense pandemic situation in Germany. “Of course you don’t get Corona if you choose AfD,” he said. “But this party denies Corona and asks that hygiene standards are not respected. Unfortunately, this leads to more contagion where many AfD supporters live. “

This effect can currently be observed in Saxony “and leads to a threat to the population,” Wanderwitz said. Saxony currently has by far the highest seven-day incidence of the federal states: According to the Robert Koch Institute on Friday, just under 415 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants were recorded there in the last seven days.

In Thuringia, the second worst affected state, the value was much lower, just under 284. The national average was just under 185.

Icon: The mirror
