AfD in the Bundestag: MPs from other parties are outraged by non-compliance with Crown rules


AfD member of the Bundestag Thomas Seitz was taken to a hospital with a corona infection, a few weeks after the Baden-Württemberg politician received negative attention at the lectern in the plenary room due to a perforated mask. Seitz was not alone in his demeanor. Representatives of other parliamentary groups are outraged by the behavior of many AfD MPs who repeatedly and deliberately violate Corona’s hygiene rules.

“The behavior of the AfD parliamentary group during the pandemic is unfortunately indicative of all their parliamentary work,” said the parliamentary director of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, Michael Grosse-Brömer, of the publishing network Germany (RND). In the current situation, AfD MPs downplayed the dangers posed by the virus and put other colleagues and, sadly, also Bundestag employees in danger through their targeted behavior. Grosse-Brömer: “That is irresponsible.”

According to the Bundestag administration, 23 of the 709 parliamentarians have been infected with the corona virus since the outbreak of the pandemic. According to the group, several of the 88 AfD MPs are also affected.

The manager of the SPD parliamentary group, Carsten Schneider, also expressed his outrage: “The AfD is not only a reservoir for right-wing extremists, but also for those who deny the crown and opponents of vaccination. His behavior in the Bundestag borders on bodily injury. It’s humanly indecent and it disgusts me. “

Jan Korte, left, said he was not surprised that the AfD in the Bundestag was “becoming a super-spreading group.” The question arises: “What part does the AfD have with this irresponsible behavior, partly publicly displayed, in the fact that we now have to move to the second shutdown?”

Mario Vogt, the CDU’s top candidate in Thuringia, said in an interview with SPIEGEL that because of his behavior, the party “indirectly had human lives on its conscience.” The constant denial of the virus by the AfD has led to citizens becoming careless.

According to information from the RND, a member of the AfD parliamentary group also participated in a meeting of the commission of inquiry into the attack on Breitscheidplatz, to the outrage of other parliamentary groups and with the result that representatives of the federal government refused to attend. further deliberations of the body.

In October, the AfD tried to take legal action against the mask requirement in parliament. Even then, some AfD MPs did not adhere to it. However, the AfD failed to overturn the mask requirement, Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) stood firm. The AfD also demanded the mask requirement for its federal party conference in Kalkar in late November. Here too it failed.

Icon: The mirror
