AfD Bundestag politicians infected: no mask, no distance – MPs angry at AfD politics


After an AfD MP fell ill with Corona, there is growing anger in the Bundestag that many members of the AfD parliamentary group ignore the precautionary measures. Norbert Kleinwächter, a member of Brandenburg AfD, tested positive.

The Bundestag Council of Elders should take up the case on Thursday at the request of several members. The Greens announced that they wanted to propose the obligation to wear a mask if necessary.

Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) recently urgently recommended maintaining a safe distance in all Bundestag chambers and wearing a mask. Many AfD MPs systematically ignore the recommendation, do not wear a mask in plenary, and stay together in groups.

AfD MPs support demonstrations against Corona’s policy. When Schäuble recently thanked police officers who had defended the Reichstag against a group of Corona skeptics, only the AfD MPs remained seated. Individual AfD MPs provocatively violate the mask requirement outside the Reichstag. Stephan Brandner caused a police operation because he did not want to put on a mask all at once.

The President of the Bundestag adheres to his own recommendation: Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) arrived on Wednesday wearing a mask of corporate identity …Photo: dpa

“The fact that many members of the AfD parliamentary group do not practice the president’s recommendation causes us a lot of problems,” said the Union parliamentary group. Unlike the AfD, the other parliamentary groups spare no effort to comply with hygiene standards. Members of parliament and employees wear masks, offices have introduced a shift system, or workplaces have been separated by Plexiglas panels.

Since the parliamentary groups of the Union and the SPD would be too narrow if the safety distance were respected, both groups hold their meetings alternately on Tuesdays in the full Bundestag.

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“Irresponsible” calls the executive of the Green Parliament Britta Hasselmann the behavior of the representatives of the AfD. “Demonstratively” most would not wear mouth and nose protection or stand together. “This endangers the health of employees and members of parliament and pokes fun at people who wear a face mask out of consideration for others,” Hasselmann told Tagesspiegel.

Schäuble’s urgent recommendation to be considered also applies to the AfD. The green politician announced: “If you cannot be insightful and considerate, we will suggest the obligation to wear mouth and nose protection.”
