Adventure on ice: Berliners conquer frozen lakes – BZ Berlin


Fun on the ice at the Müggelsee. Hundreds of walkers, ice hockey players, cross-country skiers, families with children and dogs run through the icy water of the Köpenicker. Until a police helicopter pulls up, dumps snow, and stops the hustle and bustle.

“Attention, attention, this is the police helicopter speaking, you are in danger, the ice surface does not support you, go to the bank.”

The police helicopter on the ice of the Müggelsee (Photo: Polizei Berlin / screenshot BZ)
The police helicopter on the ice of the Müggelsee (Photo: Polizei Berlin / screenshot BZ)

All weekend the police and fire brigade are out and about to pull Berliners off the ice. Agents patrol the waters with emergency vehicles and helicopters. Because: “Due to the sun’s rays and water currents, even solid-looking ice can be brittle and unstable,” said a police spokeswoman.

But most of them don’t want to hear the warning. Be it Schlachtensee or Krumme Lanke in the southwest or Rummelsburg Bay and White Lake, all the icy waters of the city are well visited.

A thick layer of ice can also become brittle due to running water or the sun.  Particularly dangerous: unmarked ice holes that are only slightly frozen again (Photo: Olaf Wagner)
Even a thick layer of ice can be made brittle by running water or sunlight. Particularly dangerous: unmarked ice holes that are only slightly frozen again (Photo: Olaf Wagner)
Anna N. (37) and her daughter Emma (8) were already on Thursday by the Schlachtensee, only on Saturday they dared to go up to the ice with the sled:
Anna N. (37) and her daughter Emma (8) were already on Thursday by the Schlachtensee, only on Saturday they dared to go up to the ice with the sled: “The ice layer now seems thick enough to us” (Photo: Olaf Wagner)

How thick must the ice be so that you can walk on it safely? A common answer is at least six inches. But since a layman cannot verify this at all points in a body of water, the ice layer is not the same thickness everywhere, this is no guarantee.

► In some cities and municipalities, the ice surfaces are released for walking in winter. Never in Berlin. Neither the police and fire brigade nor the German Rescue Society (DLRG). The risk of the ice falling is too great.

Jan (37) and Jona (3) F. are also at the Schlachtensee ice cream.
Jan (37) and Jona (3) F. are also at the Schlachtensee ice cream. “We came here especially from Kreuzberg.” They are not afraid (Photo: Olaf Wagner)

Even on Saturday, the ice doesn’t stop everywhere

Several times people plunge into the icy water of the Schlachtensee. Including a father with a one year old son. “They were two different places. They were all able to free themselves, ”police said.

Lia Matthias (20) from Zehlendorf is still at the Schlachtensee with skates and hockey sticks. “For me, these are just childhood memories! I’ve been doing this since I was little. ” And she is not the only one.

Rina (40) and Kolja (38) F. from Zehlendorf stand on the ice for the first time this year with Leni (5): “We had to take advantage of the weather” (Photo: Olaf Wagner)
Rina (40) and Kolja (38) F. from Zehlendorf stand on the ice for the first time this year with Leni (5): “We had to take advantage of the weather” (Photo: Olaf Wagner)

An even bigger trend at these temperatures is now ice baths, a concern of police and emergency services. “There are now more than 2,000 people doing this in Germany,” says Zehlendorf ice bather Juliane Seifert. Also swim in ice water several times a week.

Last Wednesday’s accident shows how dangerous this trend is. An ice bath (43) had not appeared in the carp pond at Treptower Park. The fire department was only able to find and rescue the man from under the ice floes after two and a half hours. He died in a clinic.

also read

► Then came the ice drama on the Treptower Park pond

► Eisbader rescued died (43)

Those who long for spring still need a little patience. Monday night will be very cold again, down to minus 16 degrees, according to the forecast of the German Meteorological Service.

The fire department takes a boat to the lake (Photo: Spreepicture)
Firefighters take a boat to the carp pond, where an ice bath had previously sunk (Photo: Spreepicture)

Even if the sun shines wonderfully during the day, the temperatures will not exceed freezing for the next few days either.
