Additional Biontech Delivery: Border Regions Receive More Vaccination Doses


Biontech additional delivery
Border regions receive more doses of vaccines

310,000 doses of vaccine from an additional Biontech delivery will go to Saarland, as well as to Bavaria, Thuringia and Saxony. These federal states suffer from the high number of infections in France and the Czech Republic.

Since an additional delivery of the Biontech / Pfizer vaccine to Germany, most of it is to go to the border regions in Saarland, Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringia. This stems from the recommendation of the Chancellery for today’s vaccination summit by the federal and state governments.

In total, Biontech delivers 4 million additional doses of vaccine to the European Union. Of these, 580,000 cans are in Germany. “These will be used in particular for hotspots and to protect against mutant viruses,” says the draft received by ntv.

In the fourteenth calendar week, which begins on April 5, 270,000 doses of vaccine from Biontech’s additional delivery must go to the vaccination centers and practices of the doctors who are already vaccinating. The rest, 310,000 doses of vaccines, are administered to Saarland, Bavaria, Thuringia and Saxony. These federal states suffer from the high number of infections in the Czech Republic and France, especially in the French department of Moselle. The number of vaccination doses that will go to each of these federal states has not yet been determined.

Regions bordering the Czech Republic will receive more vaccines “to limit the entry of infections from the Czech Republic to Germany”, as indicated in the draft of the vaccination summit. In Saarland, the spread of the South African virus variant in Germany will be limited.

The shortage continues into April

In the future, it is necessary for resident doctors and company doctors to get involved in the vaccination campaign. “In April, however, the quantities of vaccine will continue to be scarce,” says the draft decision text. Therefore, prioritization must continue to be respected.

It is not clear in the draft when exactly the doctor’s surgeries will be supplied with the vaccine, instead of a number for the calendar week there is “XX”; the timing has yet to be negotiated. Bavaria suggests prioritizing according to the Coronavirus Vaccination Ordinance only as a recommendation for medical practices.

Physician practices are asked to first vaccinate “mainly immobile patients in their own home” and risk groups with prior illnesses, according to the draft. “Due to the still very small weekly administration amounts on the order of magnitude of 20 vaccination doses per practice for approximately 50,000 GP consultations (1 million doses in total), approximately one vaccination consultation per week will initially be possible. . “

The text also affirms that the federal and state governments “adhere to the objective of being able to offer all citizens a vaccination offer in the summer.”
