According to the poll, Jens Spahn is favored as head of the CDU.


According to a poll, the federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, is the most popular candidate for the presidency of the CDU. In a poll conducted by the Kantar Institute for the Funke media group, 22 percent voted for Spahn, 19 percent for economic politician Friedrich Merz, 17 percent for North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet, and 8 percent by the head of foreign policy Norbert Röttgen. Eighteen percent each said they did not trust any of the four politicians to take office or did not want to compromise.

So far, Spahn has supported Laschet’s request, but voices in the CDU are in favor of the Health Minister’s candidacy. In a Civey poll for SPIEGEL, the majority voted in favor of Laschet’s resignation in favor of Spahn, with Union voters in particular in favor. Furthermore, Union supporters favored a duo of Spahn as head of the CDU and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) as a candidate for chancellor.

This trend is also repeated in the new poll: 34 percent of respondents are for Söder as a candidate for chancellor. This puts the head of CSU clearly ahead of Merz, who was only able to convince twelve percent of himself in second place.

Spahn (eight percent), Laschet (seven percent) and Röttgen (five percent) do even worse. 16 percent doubt that one of the five appointed Union politicians can become a successful successor to Angela Merkel, 17 percent made no decision.

Icon: The mirror
