According to statements about everyday masks: Medical President Reinhardt goes back


With his public doubts about the usefulness of everyday masks, Medical President Reinhardt had provoked much opposition. Now row back and talk about a “clear recommendation” to wear mouth and nose protection.

Two days after his controversial statements about wearing everyday masks, the president of the German Medical Association, Klaus Reinhardt, distanced himself from his statements. “Current evidence from various studies speaks in favor of protecting the mouth and nose,” he said. His statements caused him considerable irritation, which he very much regrets.

Studies indicated that daily masks reduce both transmission to others and self-infection, he said. “These data result in a clear recommendation to wear mouth and nose protection.”

The chief of doctors emphasized: “At no time was it my intention to minimize the dangers of the pandemic.” It is his “great wish that we continue to deal well with the corona pandemic in Germany and that all sensible measures are taken to slow the spread of the virus and prevent preventable infections. I support all the rules that serve to avoid overloading our healthcare system. “. Without reservation. “

Much criticism after the appearance of Lanz.

On the ZDF talk show “Markus Lanz,” Reinhardt said Wednesday night that he was in favor of using it in some situations. However, he is not convinced of everyday masks “because there is no real scientific evidence that they are really useful, especially not in self-protection and probably very little in protection from infecting others.” At one point, the director of the medical association spoke of a “masking requirement.”

He found many criticisms with his statements. The president of the Marburger Bund Physicians Union, Susanne Johna, said: “This personal opinion of the president of the German Medical Association contradicts the current state of the studies and is suitable to discredit the evidence-based concept of minimizing infections that has been effective for months. ” For the association, there is no doubt that daily masks reduce the risk of transmission.

Lauterbach: “In my opinion, a reason for resignation”

SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach described the choice of words on Twitter as “unforgivable” for the “highest ranking German medical officer.” Reinhardt damages the work of his colleagues. “In my opinion, a reason to resign if you do not withdraw it immediately,” he wrote.

The Robert Koch Institute recommends the use of everyday masks in certain situations as a component to protect groups at risk and reduce the speed of spread.

Deutschlandfunk reported on this issue on October 23, 2020 at 5:00 pm
