Status: 16.12.2020 17:20 h.
At Amazon’s distribution center in Garbsen (Hannover region), around 100 employees have tested positive for Covid-19. Companies and health authorities agree on how to proceed.
The region’s health department has scheduled a series of tests for the rest of the workforce. The crown outbreak does not affect the delivery, but the logistics at the distribution center. At the beginning of the week, employees of the local health department had an idea of the hygiene concept and how it was implemented. Amazon later announced that the health authority had confirmed the effectiveness of the protection measures adopted. More than 150 measures have been implemented, he said. During the Christmas business, up to 900 people work in the distribution center.
No access point in the center
There is apparently no access point within the center, as reported by NDR 1 Lower Saxony. A regional spokesperson said the source of the outbreak had not yet been determined and infections spread to several areas. The region does not know how many employees of the group are currently in quarantine. The next steps will be coordinated between the health department of the Hannover region and the local leadership.
More information
Crown in Lower Saxony – current reports