A7: Activists rappel down the bridge – fire brigade intervenes


On Friday morning (November 27, 2020), activists got off a bridge onto the A7 in the Kreuz Kassel-Mitte area. Currently, the highway is partially closed.

  • the A7 * is currently in Kassel partially blocked.
  • Activists they have cordoned off a bridge.
  • It is about protesting against the expansion of Roads again A49.

Update of Friday, November 27, 2020, 12:29 pm: The last activist was also volunteered by firefighters with a lifting platform from the bridge to the A7 near Kassel brought. She and other activists cordoned off the bridge Friday morning. The activists were from police arrested.

The blocking of A7 southbound has already been canceled and the northbound lanes will likely be clear for traffic in the next few minutes. the A7 between the Kassel-Mitte and Kassel-Ost junction it was initially completely closed in the morning.

Update of Friday, November 27, 2020, 12:14 pm: An activist who crossed from a bridge more than three and a half hours ago A7 near Kassel he had tied up, surrendered. He did not offer any resistance during the evacuation, as the protest should be peaceful. There is currently another activist hanging from the bridge. Two lanes of A7 They are still blockedHowever, there will not be a full shutdown.

With the action, the activists want to demonstrate against the expansion of the A49 and for a change in traffic. You can see how politicians do it Climate protection I’d hit the wall right now, he said Activistwho arrived shortly before 12 noon with a lifting platform from the bridge to the A7 near Kassel was shot down. For many, the urgency has apparently not yet arrived. With her protest she wanted to draw attention to this issue and wake up people, said the activist.

A7 near Kassel partially blocked: video appeared on Twitter

Update on Friday, November 27, 2020 at 11:56 am: On Twitter, activists provide information about their rappelling actions on various roads in Germany. the A7 near Kassel it is still partially closed between the Kassel-Mitte and Kassel-Ost junction. Also in the A7 Activists have cordoned off a bridge near Hüsby in Schleswig-Holstein.

The action in the A7 near Kassel it also has a specific location reference and is a direct response from those involved to the assembly decrees recently issued by the Kassel Regional Council for the protests recorded on the motorways, the activists said in a press release.

They have banned meetings that had been allowed in the same format a few weeks earlier. They see in that Activists a conscious and disproportionate prevention, including legal forms of protest. According to the press release, independent action groups are participating in the campaign, but all Twitter-Bill “Car-free campaign“use.

Nationwide protests against highway expansion: activist explains action in video

A man who is apparently involved in rappelling in Braunschweig has a Twitter account “Aktion Autofrei!” Video released. In it, he explains that activists are not only in favor of stopping the widening of the A49, but also of dismantling existing motorways in Germany.

Update on Friday, November 27, 2020 at 11.15 am.: the A7 near Kassel it is still partially blocked. Meanwhile, two people are still attached to the Bridge A7 – two other people were from police arrested. The fire department is in place with a revolving ladder; a safety cushion has been installed. Special police forces that specialize in operations at height are also expected to arrive on the scene. Currently, the traffic is slow.

Also in others Roads in Germany, activists have cordoned off motorway bridges. On the A485, three opponents of the A49 * expansion have cordoned off a bridge, reports the Gießener Allgemeine. The A485 is completely locked. More rappelling actions are currently taking place throughout Germany. Among other things, on the A2 near Braunschweig, the A14 near Dresden and the A20 near Tribsees in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the A7 near Kassel.

An activist agreed to the motorway bridge over the A7 near Kassel. The A7 is partially locked.

© Andreas Fischer

First was the A7 near Kassel a complete closure. Meanwhile, the route has been released into two lanes in each direction, a police spokeswoman said. Activists protest against the construction of the A49, reports the dpa. To do this, trees must be felled in an area of ​​27 hectares in a wooded area near Homberg / Ohm in the Vogelsberg district;

Activists rappel from bridge: A7 partially blocked – illegal action?

Update on Friday, November 27, 2020 at 10:28 am: Activists have moved from a bridge to the cross between Kassel-Mitte and Kassel-Ost A7 tied up. the Highway It is currently partially blocked in the area. Two people hang from the Linden Head Bridge between the Kasseler Forstfeld and Lohfelden district.

Noisy police The fire department has been called. It is assumed that the Highway it would then have to be blocked again, a spokesperson said.

According to the Activists their form of protest is not illegal. According to the police, this needs to be checked, it could be one dangerous interference with road traffic Act.

A7 partially closed: Activists protest against the construction of the A49

It is directed against the expansion of the highway nationwide and calls for the restructuring of traffic. You belong to an unspecified action alliance. In total there should be four people in Kassel. One of Activists has already been taken by the police arrested.

A motorway near Kassel was already closed several times in October because activists had organized bicycle demonstrations against the construction of the A49.

First report on Friday, November 27, 2020, 9.27 am.: Activists have been moved from a bridge to the cross between Kassel-Mitte and Kassel-Ost A7 tied up. Currently, the highway is totally closed in the area because there are several people. The police are on a large scale.

It is assumed that the Blocking will last longer, so a spokesperson. The bridge is located between the Kassel district of Forstfeld and the municipality of Lohfelden. (Kathrin Meyer, Michaela Pflug and Sarah Neumayer) * hna.de and gießener-Allgemeine.de are part of the national publishing network Ippen-Digital.

More information is provided below.
