A third of Germans believe in secret powers


Conspiracy theories are particularly popular in the Corona crisis: now a poll has provided figures on how many Germans believe in secret powers.

According to a recent poll, conspiracy theories are well received by the population. Almost a third of those surveyed consider that secret powers control the world as probably correct (19 percent) or certainly correct (11 percent), as shown in a representative poll published Sunday by Infratest dimap for Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung .

In contrast, 62 percent believe that this thesis is probably wrong (27 percent) or definitely wrong (35 percent). The rest did not want to make a decision or not respond. 3,250 eligible voters were surveyed between October 2019 and February this year.

Belief in a world controlled by secret powers is less widespread among respondents with higher educational qualifications. About one in five people with a college degree or high school diploma believe the statement is likely (15 percent each) or certainly correct (4 percent or 5 percent).

Of those surveyed with less than 10 years of schooling and complete learning, on the other hand, more than 40 percent answered “probably correct” (20 percent) or “definitely correct” (22 percent). Of those surveyed with less than 10 years of schooling and not fully learning, a similar number said “probably correct” (22 percent), but significantly fewer said “definitely correct” (11 percent).
