A member of the Ethics Council demands: Those who oppose vaccination must refrain from ventilation.


Calls from members of the Ethics Council
Opponents of vaccination should refrain from ventilation.

The corona vaccination campaign will soon also be launched in Germany. But the population is very skeptical. The professor of the Ethics Council Henn now addresses all those who refuse to vaccinate and openly asks them if they should receive measures to save lives in case of illness.

In a fire letter, the human geneticist and member of the Federal Government Ethics Council, Wolfram Henn, asks those who refuse a corona vaccination to refrain from taking emergency measures in case of illness. “If you want to refuse vaccination, you should always carry a document that says: I do not want to be vaccinated! I want to leave protection against the disease to others! I want mine when I get sick! I leave the intensive care bed and my fan to others, “the” Bild-Zeitung “quoted the 59-year-old as saying.

You may understand a fundamental skepticism, but open questions should be directed to the experts. It clearly contradicts the biases against the rapidly developed vaccine: “Researchers around the world have done everything possible to increase the pace, but not at the expense of safety.” Henn does not have to be vaccinated.

The Saarland University professor appeals to conspiracy ideologues and vaccination opponents: “I highly recommend these alarmists go to the nearest hospital and present their conspiracy theories to doctors and nurses who have just arrived from the overcrowded intensive care unit completely exhausted. “

Many are still not sure

According to the RTL / ntv trend barometer, 47 percent of Germans want to get vaccinated as soon as possible. 40 percent want to wait and see. 11 percent rule out a vaccine. A trial on the approval of the Biontech / Pfizer vaccine by the European Medicines Agency Ema is expected next week.

The director of the Institute for World Economy, Michael Hüther, also calls for consequences for opponents of corona vaccination. “Therefore, it is convenient to check whether vaccinators can be penalized for external effects derived from their behavior due to the fact that there is no insurance coverage for them in the event of Covid-19 disease,” the economist writes in the “Handelsblatt”.

The refusal to vaccinate is not only a disagreement with solidarity, in case of illness the person also generates enormous costs for the general public. Therefore, Hüther considers it justified to eliminate the opponents of vaccination from the principle of solidarity financing. “Of course, this is only possible in compulsory medical insurance. And yes, it is a partial departure from the principle of solidarity. But this is contrary to the interests of the solidarity community in the face of excessive claims,” ​​he says.
