Two American parents were killed, shot with an assault rifle by a 17-year-old.
The Heartbreaking Case: The “Black Lives Matter” movement protested police violence in Wisconsin Tuesday night after a white police officer shot African-American Jacob Blake (29) seven times in the back.
As protesters marched through the city of Kenosha, right-wing radical Kyle Rittenhouse (17) patrolled the streets with a semiautomatic rifle.
The child belonged to a “vigilante” who wanted to protect the companies from looting. When a Molotov cocktail was thrown in his direction from the crowd, Kyle fired at the protesters at random.
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/joseph-rosenbaum36-hier-mit-seinertrebs-2-wird-toedlich-getroffen-201514654-72642086/Bild/3.bild.jpg”/> Joseph Rosenbaum († 36), here with his daughter (2), is fatally wounded.Photo: facebook / joseph.rosenbaum.908
The fatal shots came from Joseph Rosenbaum (36), father of a two-year-old girl. His fiancee describes him as a happy joker.
Anthony Huber († 26), a passionate skater who was on the road with his board, also died in the hail of bullets. He leaves behind a partner and a stepdaughter.
Rittenhouse walked toward the police cars with his hands up and his rifle buckled. The protesters yelled at the police that they had to arrest the boy because he had just killed two people.
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/hier-kniet-der-17-jaehrigeauf-dem-boden-und-schiesst-wahllos-auf-demonstranten-201514653-72642096/Bild/ 3.image.jpg”/> Here the 17-year-old kneels on the ground and shoots at the protesters at randomPhoto: Picture Alliance / AA