Corona: Bavarian schools to open soon – Söder and Piazolo with details – new rule of mouth guards


Last year the students have returned to their schools. There are now more loosenings in school operations.

  • The Bavarian government has announced a far-reaching easing.
  • On May 11, age groups should return to schools that will graduate next year.
  • On May 18, more classes will return to school in stages.
  • Culture Minister Michael Piazolo also hinted at a “limited offer” even for third and fourth graders before the Pentecost break.
  • Here you will find our guide * to report and the German Crown News *. We also provide current case numbers in Bavaria as a map. The following recommendations for crown protection measures * are currently available.

Crown crisis in Bavaria: schools will reopen from May 6 – subject to conditions

Update, May 5, 1:07 p.m. By Pentecost, 50 percent of students should attend Bavarian schools again.

Soder: “No one has to end badly because of Corona. No one has to sit around because of Corona. Voluntary repetition is possible. Just like the voluntary session. “

There will be a partial mask requirement in schools: “We do not make a mask in class, but a mask requirement in school, therefore, during the break, in the hallways of the bathroom.”

If parents assess themselves as a risk group, they can continue to go digital and receive support. At least until Pentecost.

Inauguration of the school in the crisis of Corona in Bavaria – the schedule

Four levels are planned. Minister of Education Michael Piazolo. The first has already been lit, namely that the final classes can return from April 27.

Second step: At May 11 The pre-graduation classes must return, as well as the fourth grades of the elementary school. That was decided now.

Third: At May 18 and in 25 of May Younger students of the respective school type must also return. For example, fifth and sixth grade of middle school or high school – alternating weekly.

June 15 fourth step they come with the remaining levels, “if infection allows,” says Piazolo.

Crown in Bavaria: school holidays are not shortened

Vacation times remain, vacations are not shortened.

Update May 5, 12:30 p.m.: As Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder currently announces at a press conference, it should start Wednesday (May 6) Schools are opening little by little.

According to Söder, the goal is for 50 percent of Bavarian students to attend classes again before Pentecost.

And how is all this supposed to work under Corona’s strict hygiene standards?

According to Söder, there will be a mask requirement for students and teachers in the hallways, during breaks, in the bathrooms, etc. at school, but not in the classroom.

Update May 5, 10:32 p.m.: Bavarian Teachers Association President Simone Fleischmann spoke out against a uniform solution for all schools in the Corona crisis. “Personal responsibility for the standard model” is the motto, Fleischmann said Tuesday. Each school has a different clientele, different classrooms, and different staff. One expects, for example, that about a third of teachers belong to the so-called risk group. Waiting for the state government signal that local schools can decide on the regulations, Fleischmann said ahead of the cabinet’s deliberations on the pandemic.

A week ago, classes in school buildings had started again. “Everyone is looking for normality, and when school returns, everything returns to normal,” that would be the amount they would feel. “This puts a lot of pressure on decision makers.” For teachers, the premise was: “The more live lessons, the better”, but on a virological basis. The teaching staff is based on three components: initiation of emergency care, live lessons and training to learn at home.

Back in the classroom despite Corona: students describe in desolate conditions in a fire letter

May 5 counter notification: The FOS / BOS school administration in Augsburg has opposed the report on alleged hygiene deficiencies at its facilities in front of the central editorial office of Ippen-Digital. In a letter to the Mayor of Augsburg, Eva Weber, which is available to editors, the study’s principal director, Dr. Oliver Laqua: “First of all, I would like to clarify that there are no desperate conditions in our school and that FOSBOS Augsburg doesn’t need help urgently. ” The school’s sanitary facilities are “perfectly fine” despite the age of the facilities. Also, the supplier even increased the soap in a special delivery. There are “always problems” with windows, but this is not unusual for windows that are 45 years old. Also, generally faulty windows “resolved in a relatively short period of time, “school management said. The school management’s conclusion:” Talking about catastrophic conditions is definitely not the truth. ”

Update from May 4: Final classes have returned to their schools since last week, including students from FOS / BOS in Augsburg. About three-quarters of all students in school are back in class, because this type of school only starts in 11th grade. There is something missing in terms of hygiene as well Bavarian Radio (BR) reports, for example, about the sink and soap. Not harmless in Corona times. For this reason, 12th graders were already in one about 10 days ago. Appeal letter addressed to the faction of the town hall of free voters in Augsburg.

Now they have an urgent request. Mayor Eva Weber raised Demand that hygiene defects in school be remedied immediately. Soap dispensers and flush toilets are largely broken; There are no toilets in the containers that were installed because the school was about to explode. In many classrooms, windows cannot be opened because they are broken. As a result, it cannot be adequately ventilated as the BR reported more. All classrooms must be equipped in accordance with the hygiene standards issued by the Ministry of Culture. This is what free voters demand.

Corona forced the break for schoolchildren in Bavaria: the FDP is rushing forward: lessons for all?

First report of May 3.

Munich: what’s next? Bavarian schools? The first students are now back in the classroom after Corona’s mandatory recess, but it is far from certain when all children and adolescents in the Free State will return to normal. Classroom instruction can go to school

The discussion now flares up again FDP Parliamentary Group in the State Parliament to – and on an urgent request a prospect for another controlled opening of Bavarian schools. The document says that given the occurrence of infection and regional and local circumstances you should have one Expansion to other grades make up your mind – beyond the steps they have already decided to open the school.

Mandatory vacation in Corona for schoolchildren in Bavaria: FDP rushes and calls for new openings

It literally says that FDP application: “Taking into account protection against infections, as well as educational and socio-political objectives, (…) a gradual opening of schools for classroom instruction can be taken into account.” This should take place in two steps in the Rotation method To be resumed The first part of classes could start again from the week of May 18 and the other part from the week of May 25.

The FDP group, however, tied its request to several conditions. Until then, among other things, the Reproduction number R they are still stable below 1 and the local infection process is so under control that the number of infections per week is locally less than 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Schools in the crisis in Corona: FDP presents urgency, but asks for a special rule for groups at risk

When transporting schoolchildren, it must also be ensured that in the Public transport services The necessary minimum free spaces are guaranteed. For people at risk should no attendance requirement give. Instead, they should be digitally compatible.

Last but not least, families were in the limelight: they had to shoulder the “double burden” in the Corona crisis, Merkur * said in Munich. Meanwhile, dealing with the pandemic is also generating curiosity among hairdressers in the Munich area. From Monday (May 4) they can receive customers again, but in different conditions.

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* * it is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Christian Charisius
