Crown Germany: before the summit: second confinement? Details of Merkel’s secret rules leaked


The federal states are outdoing themselves with the loosening of the crown. What do Chancellor Merkel and the Prime Minister want to talk about on May 6?

Laschet: We also have plans on how to proceed with the restrictions.

Update May 5, 10:53 p.m.: TooNorth Rhine-Westphalia According to Prime Minister Armin Laschet, he has extensive adjustment plans for Corona’s measures in the drawer. “We have also worked out the plan ourselves, but have delayed it until now,” the CDU politician said Tuesday night in the ZDF’s “Today Journal”. Other federal states, including Bavaria on Tuesday: It had already announced extensive relaxation plans for the applicable crown restrictions before the federal-state change on Wednesday.

Laschet said of his state’s plans: “If I see what my colleagues are doing, it will be very similar in many countries.”

Strong beer festivals, carnivals and Ischgl won’t exist for long, Laschet said. “But a visit to a hotel in a vacation facility, recording who was where and when, limited catering, that’s what I think is responsible normalcy.”

Before the conversation between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers, Laschet campaigned for regional differences to be recognized. For example, there are almost no cases of crown in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. However, in education, in particular, you would like to see similar measures across borders, which is where most compare.

Söder: the infection ceiling would help in the fight against Corona

Update May 5, 9:36 p.m.: Before talks between the federal and federal state about the Corona crisis, Bavaria announced its support for the upper limit for new infections proposed by the Federal Chancellery as a criterion to renew restrictions on freedom. “Yes, I think the idea is correct,” Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said Tuesday night on Bavarian television. The question is what measures should take effect as soon as a certain number of crown people are found in a region.

The controlled opening of the hotel industry is imminent

Update May 5, 9:11 p.m.: The Economy Minister of federal states strive for a nationally controlled opening of the Hospitality in. This must be done subject to conditions, Focus Online reported, and cited a source from the German Press Agency on Tuesday night. The country’s ministers had one video conference held with the Federal Minister for the Economy Peter Altmaier (CDU). by tourist Accommodation easing is scheduled until the end of May. Find out more in our gastronomic ticker on the Corona crisis *.

Update May 5, 8:02 p.m.: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has been in a Union group meeting pronounced for further loosening of the crown pads. There is an “understandable way” to a great desire for greater relief, Merkel said at a digital meeting of parliamentary group CDU / CSU on Tuesday, when the AFP news agency heard from participants. The chancellor had spoken in favor of gradually opening schools and kindergartens again, and also sports, from the Bundesliga to mass sports.

Merkel noted at the meeting that this decisions the federal states, said AFP. According to the participants, he combined his comments with a warning: care must be taken to ensure that a new wave of infection does not occur in all the next relaxation steps.

The chancellor expressly spoke in favor of a regionally graduated approach. For relief decisions, infection events in individual counties should be considered.

Legal experts question the basis of exit restrictions

Update May 5, 6:57 p.m.: Bundestag legal experts doubt the legal basis for taxes in the Corona crisis Exit restrictions. There is a “legal and objective concern” that the ban on foreign travel may be justified as the Federal Ministry of the Interior did, without good reason, writes the Bundestag science service. The left group’s domestic spokeswoman, Ulla Jelpke, published the newspaper on Tuesday. ARD’s capital study had previously reported on this. Travel restrictions have been in place in the Corona crisis since mid-March, with exceptions for travelers, among others.

the interior minister he justified his order with the protection of the population against a pandemic and with the fact that the performance of the health system must be guaranteed. “A collapse of the health system would have dramatic consequences and would lead to a significant disruption to public safety.”, write Bundestag experts.

Borders could become more permeable again from mid-May

Update May 5, 6:25 p.m.: The borders between Germany and its neighbors could become more permeable as of mid-May. According to information from the German Press Agency, the Federal Minister for the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU) and the Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Günther, have already spoken specifically about a concept of how to contain the coronavirus and the regulations of Applicable quarantine, if necessary, even without formal border controls. A joint situation report from the Ministry of Health and the Interior Ministry says a “gradual opening of the border” is planned in the north.

Even between that Federal Ministry of the Interior and others Federal states With the limits at which controls are taking place, appropriate concepts are already being discussed, he said. Seehofer extended the ordered border controls to Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Austria and Switzerland in mid-March from Monday to May 15.

Coronavirus: Merkel wants to talk about relaxation: local measures are conceivable

Update May 5, 4:52 p.m.: The fight against the crown pandemic has continued, according to the chancellor. Angela Merkel (CDU) very well developed in recent days. So now you can have more Relieving speak, Merkel said Tuesday at the meeting of the Union faction, as the German press agency learned from the participants. The debate over openings has gained a lot of momentum.

Merkel therefore made it clear:If an infection occurs in a region, measures must be taken locally so that the whole of Germany is not affected again. This is also important in view of the fact that hotels and restaurants will soon relax. Because then it comes again travel in Germany and the risk of new infections is increasing.

Therefore, it is important, among other things, that contact tracking continues to work and is sufficient Intensive beds It would be available. It is understandable that there is great impatience with relaxation. That is particularly sensitive with the School openings, at Gastronomy and with him Hotels. You are still in a fragile situation. Country concepts are also needed for the cultural area or for professional and mass sport.

Restaurants in Berlin could open next week

Update May 5, 4:28 p.m.: Berlin has a first phase of relaxation in the Gastronomy promised for next week. “It doesn’t have to be Monday, but maybe next week,” said the ruling mayor. Michael Müller (SPD) Tuesday after a Senate meeting. “It is becoming clear that something can happen there very quickly,” he said of the restaurant business.

That will take some distance of about “one week, ten days” it can connect a second phase, Müller said. However, he recalled that the development of infection numbers was crucial. The Senate wants to discuss the details of the easing in a special session with Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on Wednesday after the state government’s telephone bosses.

Update May 5, 3:50 p.m.:
North Rhine-Westphalia removes crown-related visitation ban Age and Nursing homes in. Starting next Sunday, residents of these homes in North Rhine-Westphalia will be able to have family and friends visit them again, the NRW Health Ministry announced Tuesday. But there is strict visitation requirements destined to. The ban had been in place since mid-March.

Germany is like a mosaic to loosen the crown

Update May 5, 3:38 p.m.: Many federal states are already creating facts before the next high-level discussion on how to proceed in the Corona crisis. Bavaria will soon open the beer gardens, Baden-Württemberg allows sports such as outdoor tennis, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania reopens hotels. Apparently, the federal government wants to make further regional relaxation dependent on the development of infection numbers.

Federal state prime ministers will discuss next steps with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on Wednesday. However, many decisions have already been made by state governments on their own. Starting on May 18, Bavaria will open the beer gardens subject to conditions, as Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said on Tuesday after a cabinet meeting. Starting Wednesday, the previous departure restriction will no longer apply.

Starting May 30, hotels, vacation apartments, and campgrounds can also be reused. Leisure facilities such as castles and amusement parks can also be opened.The Bavarian concept also provides relief for schools, nursing homes and shops.

Bremen decided on Tuesday to implement the relaxation measures taken last week, such as opening playgrounds and museums. Hamburg Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) said Wednesday that Hamburg is ready to take “bigger steps” than recently in the areas of schools, daycare, sports and food. He thinks opening hotels in May is “conceivable.”

In Baden-Württemberg, too Gastronomy According to Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens), we expect a reopening soon. Starting next week, non-contact outdoor sports such as tennis and golf will be allowed again.

In Saxony-Anhalt, tourism should start gradually starting May 15. Starting May 22, restaurants should also be able to open again.

Before the Corona summit: Merkel wants an upper infection limit: Lindner puts great pressure on the chancellor

Update May 5, 2:50 p.m.: The pressure on politics and therefore on Chancellor Angela Merkel continues to mount before Wednesday’s summit. Both the opposition party, the FDP, and business representatives called Image one clear schedule to facilitate measures and, consequently, boost the economy.

FDP Chief Christian Lindner He wants the chancellor and the heads of countries to decide on further relaxation at the national level in their deliberations on Wednesday. He said: “We have to act now. Tomorrow there has to be a different crisis management.”

Holger Lösch, Vice President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) called the situation “very, very serious”. “We need a clear signal that we can really start, start businesses.” This requires “clear and binding guidelines” of the policy. “Expectations, not only in the economy, are very high,” said the BDI vice president.

Bavaria already started today, as you can read here.

Lindner went a step further and called for standardization in medical care. “The development of crown case numbers now must also have consequences for medicine,” he said in Berlin on Tuesday. “Due to the pandemic, the provision of regular medical care has been restricted in many places. That has to be stopped now. ” Standardization is urgently required, as the health consequences would greatly outweigh the benefits of containing the pandemic, Lindner warned. “Many patients have been delayed in the past few weeks. If that continues, there will be real health risks. “

Secret plan for the second block? The chancellor does not deny the media report

Update May 5, 12:06 pm:The Relievingwhat in Crown summit resolved on May 6 it could well be withdrawn. Aloud The Chancellery has a clear idea of ​​when that could happen.

Like the newspaper on a chancery desk Helge Braun (CDU) and the Country leaders The criteria are: If a district has more than 35 new infections per 100,000 population within seven days that do not occur in one place, such as an older person’s home, the district should go to Crown pads return on April 20.

This would mean that facilities that are open after this period it would have to close again, for example, schools, hairdressing salons and parts of the retail trade. AThe exit and contact restrictions would take effect again. This should not apply if infections only occur in one location, for example, in a retirement home.

the yes
undeskanzleramt declined to confirm or deny the information. “Confidential talks between the head of the Federal Chancellery and the heads of state and Senate offices about new measures in the crown crisis are ongoing,” a government spokesman said when asked by the AFP news agency. “Decisions are made at the meeting between the chancellor and the prime minister.”

Before the Corona summit with Merkel: penetrated details: there is a clear relaxation

May 5 update: After the Federal states first, a race for the fastest introduced Crown measurements organized, apparently now there is a race for the fastest Loosening of the crown. According to one Image-The report must be in the federal-state consultations on May 6th with chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) one clear no contact-Laxation can be decided – Saxony-Anhalt has been allowed since May 4th again meetings of up to five people.

RKI in the crown pandemic: second wave expected in Germany

However, he warned Robert Koch Institute (RKI) at his press conference now which is “with great certainty a Second wave *” the Crown pandemic in Germany. Many scientists would even expect a third wave.

When asked how Germany would cope with a second wave and if possibly Loosening of the crown * could withdraw again he replied RKI Director Lothar Wielerthat preparation would definitely be better, for example, because the staff now had experience with crown patients and the health system had expanded for a pandemic.

Ahead of Corona summit with Merkel: strict contact barriers crumble

First report of May 4:

Berlin – Germany eagerly awaits May 6. So the following Federal-state consultations with chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). So Image states want to have experienced then Loosening of the crown enforce – especially on the subject No contact *.

Corona Summit with Merkel: Relaxation of the contact block?

In a conference call in preparation for the heads of state chancelleries for the Corona summit, it was said that meetings of up to five people could be allowed again, as was the case starting Monday in Saxony-anhalt, the newspaper reports. Until now, there has been a limit of two people who do not belong to the same household.

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert emphasized once again before consultations between the federal state and Merkel that the chancellor was considering Crown pads* close consultation with researchers:

Crown talk at Anne Will (ARD) – Markus Söder (CSU) comments on lowering the contact ban

Bavarian prime minister Markus Söder (CSU), who coordinates countries as the current president of the prime minister’s conference, said in the ARD Program “Anne Will” * When asked about the expansion of up to five people: “I don’t know anything about it,” he added: “There is a lot of talk.”

Crown Summit with Merkel: Bundesliga and Sky ghost games on the agenda

About the topic Soccer ball wrote the Image-Newspaper on the conference call: “For the approval of the so-called Bundesliga ghost games (without spectators in the stadium) planned for May, there is a regulation to broadcast these games on public television.”

The background is that the subscription station Sky They have acquired the television rights to the games of the current season and the heads of the country fear that it will become normal Sky festivals from soccer fans. That is why Bavaria should join the station until federal-state consultations. Merkel* Clarify on Wednesday the conditions under which games could also be shown on public radio.

Gastronomy in the Corona crisis: relaxation before Pentecost?

For him Gastronomy The newspaper also wrote that a plan must be submitted before Wednesday under conditions that restaurants could reopen before Pentecost. Even the domestic Tourism* must be approached carefully he said out loud Image on the conference call. Therefore, it is conceivable to rent first Apartments admit again.

Saxony had also suggested Robert Koch Institute (RKI) * have an elaborate concept for the risks of the individual German regions, if necessary for them Travel restrictions * it could take over, the report said. Bavaria * but he refused

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* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

Everyone is currently looking at politics and science. Christian Drosten is concerned that the two sides do not always work hand in hand. The virologist is upset.

List of rubric lists: © AFP / KAY NIETFELD
