Vaccination against coronavirus: “Vaccine King of India” begins production


There is no causal therapy against coronavirus yet, currently only symptoms can be alleviated. But the pharmaceutical industry is already developing vaccines.

  • So far, only the symptoms of a coronavirus infection have been alleviated *.
  • Doctors are looking for specific therapies against the virus and are investigating vaccines.
  • It usually takes up to ten years or more to develop new vaccines.

Update 05.05.2020: Companies around the world report on progress in the development of vaccines against Covid-19: the “king of vaccines of India” wants to start manufacturing in two weeks at the latest. Not without reason, Cyrus Poonawalla, an Indian businessman, received his nickname: Poonawalla has been in the vaccine business for over 50 years. His company, Serum Institute of India, is considered the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer. As reported in the news, Poonawalla now plans to produce 40 million doses of vaccines from a promising vaccine candidate. It is a serum developed by the University of Oxford and is currently being tested in over 1,000 Britons. Although clinical trials are not yet over, Cyrus Poonawalla’s son Adar Poonawalla, as the current managing director, said in an interview with the Indian news network NDTV: “These tests could be successful and safe until September or October. In my opinion, the chances are good because the Oxford researchers were also successful in vaccinating against Ebola. “

The mass vaccine is slated to go into production in just two weeks, with the goal of producing up to 40 million doses of the vaccine in the coming months. The project is considered extremely risky financially., as the Indian Whey Institute would suffer serious losses if tests in the UK did not achieve the desired result.

Coronavirus Vaccine Development: First Clinical Trial in the United States

Update March 19, 2020, 10:00 a.m.: The first clinical trial of the possible coronavirus vaccine “mRNA-1273” began in the USA. USA In mid-March 2020. 45 healthy volunteers will be injected with two doses of up to half a milligram of the active ingredient each in the coming weeks. The first phase of the clinical trial is currently underway at a research institute in the northwest metropolis of Seattle, as the mirror reported. The vaccine was developed in cooperation with the private modern biotechnology company. The researchers assume that the entire vaccine development process will take at least a year.

Update March 19, 2020: Countless pharmaceutical companies, research institutions and universities around the world currently use all resources, develop a vaccine against the new Covid-19 lung disease as soon as possible. Infection with coronavirus, also called Sars-CoV-2, may, depending on the patient’s health, be asymptomatic or life-threatening *.

German companies are also investigating effective vaccines, such as the Tübingen CureVac company. Together with the Paul Ehrlich Institute for Vaccines and Biomedical Drugs, CureVac has already reported progress. “We are very confident that we can develop an effective vaccine in a few months.“Tagesschau quotes former CureVac CEO Daniel Menichella. The company hopes to have developed an experimental vaccine by July, which will then be approved for human testing with regulatory approval.

This message now also brought Donald Trump to the scene. According to daily news, the President of the United States is trying to bring German researchers to the United States so they can develop drugs that are used exclusively for patients with an American crown. However, CureVac makes no effort to reach an agreement with the United States..

More about the subject: Menacing difference: Covid-19 and flu in comparison.

No drugs against Covid-19 yet

Article from 03.03.2020: The spread of the corona virus is causing concern worldwide. Until now 245,484 infections reported (as of March 20, 2020), the majority of those affected live in the central Chinese province of Hubei. Its capital, Wuhan, is the center of the pandemic. The first people who contracted the new coronavirus are said to have been infected there.

Currently 10,031 fatalities are being sued, most of them in China. Currently only symptoms can be alleviated, there are no (until now) medications that make the coronavirus harmless. But doctors are feverishly investigating treatment options *that specifically target the virus. The pharmaceutical industry and research institutes have also started developing vaccines against the virus.

Also read: Does a face mask protect against coronavirus infection? Who should use it?.

40 ongoing vaccine projects: The University of Queensland reports success

According to the Association of Pharmaceutical Research Manufacturers (vfa), at least worldwide 40 vaccine projects It started, including a project from the German company BioNTech, two projects from the German Infection Research Center (DZIF) and a project from the Israeli Institute for Biological Research.

Promising results have already been reported for some vaccine projects. On March 16, 2020, tests began on a vaccine made by the American company Moderna in volunteers. According to the vaccine for the vaccine of the American company Inovio first clinical trials with volunteers announced for April 2020 status A project at the University of Queensland has achieved animal testing. The University of Hong Kong also announced that it had found a coronavirus vaccine * that will now be further tested. It would be months before I went through all the animal and human studies.

The development of a new, safe and effective vaccine can take up to 20 years. and it cost up to a billion euros, as reported by the medical newspaper. Thanks to new technologies and financial support, it should be possible within a few months to develop prototype vaccines in such a way that they can be tested on animals and humans.

Also read: Dangerous drug shortage in Germany? Coronavirus pandemic with serious consequences.

Coronavirus vaccine will be late – scientists say

Another factor that could accelerate vaccine development: Vaccine developers already have experience with pathogens in the coronavirus family. The SARS virus belongs to the coronavirus group, which claimed countless deaths in 2002/2003. At the time, more than 20 vaccine development projects were underway, but some were halted because the virus disappeared again.. At that time, however, the researchers were able to record some provisional results that can be used in the fight against the current crown pandemic.

It is not yet clear how the coronavirus pandemic could develop and when a vaccine will be available. British disease expert Jeremy Farrar believes that a vaccine against the new coronavirus will be too late to prevent the global spread of the disease. In Spiegel’s interview, he said: “And if we are unlucky, it will never succeed

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Survey on the subject

Read more: This is the only way that hand washing protects against viruses: one in two does it wrong.

Frankfurt: The tourism industry in Frankfurt clearly feels the effects of the corona virus *. Hotels and trade fairs in particular are affected by declining tourism from China. However, there is no need to worry.


These viruses and bacteria make us sick

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