Corona: Federal states announce relief, who plans what?


NEven before the next conference call between Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and prime ministers, more and more federal states are pushing their own plans to further ease crown restrictions.

Then Lower saxony presented a step-by-step plan on Monday Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the afternoon with your own ideas. The Northeast state reopens its restaurants and ends the ban on entry for foreign tourists that lasts for several weeks before Pentecost.

Half a dozen state cabinets want to deal with relaxation measures this Tuesday. In addition, the ministers of economy of the federal and state governments (6.30 p.m.) advise on the prospects of gastronomy and tourism.

Read the current developments in the live ticker here.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: holiday on the Baltic Sea

According to the agreement between the Schwerin government and the hotel industry. Restaurants in the country since Saturday (May 9) from 6 a.m. at 9 p.m., under strict hygiene rules and with a maximum of six adults per table for the locals. May 18 also Hotels, pensions and apartments. Open to locals. On May 25, the entry ban from Tourists from other federal states. be canceled

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Consumer advocates give advice

Hotels must be able to rent a maximum of 60 percent of their bed capacity. After the lost Easter business, the Pentecost holiday from the end of May in the Baltic Sea or in the Mecklenburg Lake District would be possible again for all German citizens.

The relevant regulations will be discussed and decided at a cabinet meeting on Thursday. Already on Tuesday, the state cabinet plans to give the go-ahead for the reopening of museums and memorials. Advice should also be given on when and under what conditions, for example cosmetic or nail salons can be reopened.

Saxony-Anhalt: Supposed to open restaurants, bars and cafes

The regional government in Magdeburg wants to decide on Tuesday whether the restaurants, bars and cafes in Saxony-Anhalt can cater to guests again in May.

The prospect is May 22. The cabinet meeting will also focus on the prospects for tourism. Saxony-Anhalt also advanced across the country in easing contact restrictions. A regulation has been in effect since Monday, allowing five people instead of two to meet again.

Schleswig-Holstein wants to open the border with Denmark

Schleswig-Holstein Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) agreed with federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) that the Danish border would gradually open from mid-May. “Today we speak on the phone and agree to develop a concrete timetable in which the Danish border can be opened from May 15 at the latest,” Günther told the German Press Agency on Monday. “This should be specified in the coming days.”

Hesse plans to open more schools

In Hessen, on May 18, a large number of other schoolchildren must start teaching again, including fourth graders. The rest of the elementary students should return to schools on June 2, as announced by the Ministry of Education in Wiesbaden.

Hamburg wants to “allow more steps”

The Hamburg Senate wants to implement the decisions of last week’s Bund-Länder conference at its meeting on Tuesday. Is about Opening of playgrounds, museums, churches and mosques.. Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) has so far followed a reserved course. In an “extra ARD” on Monday night, the SPD politician also said of the catering business, “I think we can take more steps there as well.”

Bavaria removes exit restrictions

Bavaria is lifting weeks-long crown-related exit restrictions, certain contact restrictions and a ban on gathering people in public spaces remain.

Starting this Wednesday, you are allowed to meet or visit a person outside your home and close family members. This was decided by the cabinet in Munich, as subsequently announced by Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU).

Starting Monday, all stores will be able to reopen, including the largest ones. The above restriction to a maximum sales area of ​​800 square meters no longer applies.

Schools in Bavaria should gradually reopen for more and more age groups starting next Monday, but only very slowly: only after the Pentecost break in mid-June should there be face-to-face classes for all students and all age groups. age again.

On May 11, it will initially continue with classes graduating next year, as well as with fourth graders from elementary schools. The first grades, the fifth grades of the middle schools and the fifth and sixth grades of the middle and high schools will follow on May 18. All the others will come after the Pentecost break.

Baden-Württemberg: guarantee of energy suppliers

In Baden-Württemberg, the state cabinet wants to talk about the guarantee of energy providers in Corona times.

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Anyone who evidently ignores hygiene rules during the Corona period should expect claims for damages.

Berlin wants to help cultural institutions

The Berlin Senate probably wants an aid program to Cultural institutions settle in the crown crisis. Cultural Senator Klaus Lederer (left) had already announced four weeks ago that € 30 million should flow as part of the program, mainly in the form of grants. Meanwhile, the details have been worked out.

The topic in the Senate could also be a Mask requirement for staff in hospitals and nursing homes.

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Helge Braun

Chancellor Minister Braun

Lower Saxony puts other countries under pressure

Prime Minister Stephen Weil (SPD) had repeatedly criticized other federal states for their haste. On Monday, his government went on the offensive and hired one. Five-step plan for gradual opening. Consequently, hotels with restrictions should be able to reopen from May 25, restaurants with restrictions as of May 11. However, measures should only be decided after the federal status change. Weil campaigned on ARD’s “Daily Themes” on Monday night for a nationwide relaxation strategy that covers all areas. Weil complained that everyone was being driven by pressure from the occasional breakthrough on individual issues.

In Germany, the number of infections found increased from 685 to 163,860, as reported by the Robert Koch Institute. The number of Covid 19 deaths increased from 139 to 6,831.
