Corona: opening of a restaurant in Germany: the first federal state rushes and opens


Coronavirus: restorers should continue to wait for them to loosen. The next steps will be discussed on May 6. Now a federal state is running ahead.

  • On May 6 theFederal-state conference about the procedure in the Crown crisis argued
  • The future of Gastronomy and Hotel industry A great role.
  • Markus Söder classifies the loosening of the bars as “difficult to implement”.
  • Here you will find our guide to reporting * as well as current case numbers in Germany as a map *. The following recommendations for crown protection measures * are currently available.

Update April 4, 10:22 p.m.: About possible Relaxed Crown Restrictions at Gastronomy want Federal economy minister Peter Altmaier and federal states’ finance ministers discussed Tuesday. As the German press agency also learned on Monday from groups of participants, the digital conference on Tuesday night is also about Hotel industry just like him Event industry go Another topic is the state of the art. Self-help programs, for example to be

Opening of gastronomy in the Corona crisis: consultations will take place next Wednesday

The talks are aimed at preparing Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) for talks with the prime ministers of the federal states next Wednesday. Last week, the federal and state governments had commissioned relevant ministers to propose Framework conditions for a gradual opening of the gastronomic and tourist offer. Prepare This should happen at the meeting after the next.

By the way: as a Living with Corona without a vaccine or medicine. British researchers have recently thought about this. These would also not be pleasant prospects for the catering industry.

Update April 4, 12:36 p.m.: The Gastronomy is from Relieving the CrownMeasurements was excluded. Now run Lower saxony and it is the first federal state to plan the Opening of Restaurants. The state government hired one in Hannover on Monday Five-step plan to relax in the restaurant sector. Before According to the concept, the initial relief may already exist from may 11 Apply.

Cafes, restaurants, pubs and breweries. then it should be allowed to reopen indoors and outdoors. Discos and bars, on the other hand, should remain closed. However, the guestUtilization 50 percent of basic capacity. This is to ensure that the distance requirement can be met.

Opening of gastronomy in the crisis of Corona: Lower Saxony advances

The next stage can then already in 25 of May start then could you Hotels, Youth Hostels and Pensions allowed to open again. The maximum utilization of 50 percent also applies here. However, vacation homes must be available to rent beginning May 11.

Lower Saxony’s plan for the gastro has not yet been finalized. This should only happen after consultations between the federal and state governments on Wednesday.

Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil explicitly pointed out at the relevant press conference that this was not a planned plan for all federal states. “This is a plan for Lower Saxony, very clear”So, Weil. He referred to the different development of infection numbers in the countries.

Corona: gastronomic opening in Germany? Needy sector: unemployment soared

First report of April 4, 2020:

Munich – Suffering in the Crown crisis * Restorers especially between closings. On Wednesday May 6, the next State-federal talks spoke about the additional procedure for gastronomy. However, unopened in May Local the prospect said the prime minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Armin laschet. As late as April, he pushed for early relief for the catering trade. Bavarian prime minister Markus Söder However, he was cautious to skeptical.

Gastronomy in the Corona crisis: Söder is critical for opening the gastro

The catering sector is one of the “more sensitive Areas “in crisis,” says Laschet. But he also knows that “where alcohol is served, the distance requirement is quickly forgotten.” So Markus Söder The proposed easing is initially difficult to implement. For him, this economic area remains “the biggest challenge“Although the participants have presented” clever and cool concepts “for the next conference.

But in the catering industry, the currently applicable oral protection obligation cannot be implemented, not even a Distance requirement “Stay in front of Alcohol Well, we say, at least more difficult to implement consistently, “said Söder.

Corona in the restaurant sector: unemployment in the hotel industry increased by 208 percent

The focus of German restaurateurs is today Existence of thousands of companies at the federal-state conference on May 6th. Bavarian restaurateurs made a dramatic appeal to politicians: Angela Inselkammer, President of the Bavarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants, called for a gradual Restart of gastronomy and hospitality. Businesses should be allowed to open, to the extent that hygiene standards for infection protection can be met. And that regardless of limits like Company sizes or opening hours.

“Without the hotel and food industry, our lives will become poorer. Not only are we systemically important, but we are also relevant to life“Inselkammer says. Unemployment in the hotel industry ends in April 208 percent increased compared to the previous month. This is the largest increase in all German economic sectors. Munich restaurateurs met in late April for a curious and creative protest action at Odeonsplatz.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Sven Hoppe
