Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order


Cologne, Germany EA and Reappear have a free content update for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order published.

This gives us how Player The opportunity to face new challenges in a new game mode, replay the story with all the collectibles already received, to collect new cosmetic items for Cal and BD-1.

Most of this update is a new game center called Meditation Training. Player Summons a new game mode menu through the game’s meditation points to tackle combat challenges where Cal has to fight waves of opponents and bosses. Also, the wrestling grid meditation training carries a litter box to Player one who wants to create his own fights. Here you can in SW Jedi: Fallen Order choose a location, size the battle, adjust various difficulty modifiers, and take on really unique opponents.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – Free EA Updates

The meditation training modes mentioned above will be unlocked when Player Complete your first Jedi journey through history and adventure with a new mode called New trip + restart with all cosmetic collectibles already activated. In the course of New trip + In addition, some unique cosmetic items such as the Inquisitor’s Uniform with matching red lightsaber crystals are unlocked.

In addition to new cosmetic components for your lightsaber, you’ll also find skins for BD-1, which you’ll receive for completing combat challenges as part of meditation training. Reappear He has also made numerous frequently requested accessibility adjustments. These include options for adjusting font size, QuickTime events that can be ignored, and options that make it easier to interact with objects and navigate the world. There’s more on EA’s blog. Our criticism too Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order You can read here.
