LFrom the perspective of the Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU), changes to the crown restrictions are necessary, but can only be done according to the infection process.
“There is a great order to protect the health and lives of the people who live here,” he said Sunday night on the ZDF program “Berlin Direkt.” At the same time, social life would have to start again, jobs would have to be insured and the economy stimulated, according to the CSU politician.
Observing the next consultation between the state and the federal government, he said: “On Wednesday, the chancellor and the prime ministers, we will talk about the whole sport, not only the Bundesliga (soccer), but also popular sport. We will talk about schools Of course, we will also talk about gastronomy. And I would like to see more and more relaxation in light of the development of the infection. “
There have been concrete relaxation measures in many German states since May 4. WELT documents individual decisions.
More stores are open in Baden-Württemberg on Monday, the restriction no longer applies to stores up to 800 square meters. However, for every 20 square meters, there can only be one customer in the store, distances of at least 1.50 meters must also be observed. Hairdressers and podiatrists can also offer their services. The services are taking place again. Museums, animal parks, zoos and playgrounds are opened.
Also since May 4, around 330,000 students have returned to classrooms. Initially, these are the students who will graduate this year or next. Classes must be held under strict rules of distance and hygiene to avoid infection with the new coronavirus. A mask requirement such as on buses, trains, and stores should not apply in the classroom. In the next step, fourth graders must return to schools.
The Ministry of Culture’s goal is for all 1.5 million school-age children in the Southwest to receive face-to-face classes at least temporarily this school year. Kindergartens and universities remain closed.
For Bavaria, the new week means above all a return to religious life: churches have been able to celebrate services with visitors again since Monday. Muslims, on the other hand, have to wait until the weekend. To minimize the risk of infection, mosque services have only been held since May 9. Hereafter, outdoor gatherings with up to 50 people are also allowed. On the commercial front, hairdressers can now offer their services again. All other regulations (egress restrictions, 800-square-meter rule for shops, visitor ban, company bans, mask requirement when shopping and on public transportation) remain in effect until at least May 10. Schools for the final classes have been open again since April 27.
Since May 4, meetings and gatherings of “religious or cultural nature” have also been allowed in Berlin under certain conditions. No more than 50 people can participate with a minimum distance of 1.5 meters. Covering your mouth and nose is mandatory on local transportation and in stores.
Hairdressers have been allowed to reopen since May 4, as have museums, monuments and galleries. The playgrounds are already open again. Tenth graders have returned to class since April 27. Since May 4, also the sixth grade in the elementary schools and elementary levels of the community schools, the ninth and twelfth grades in the integrated secondary and community schools, as well as the 11th grade in the secondary schools. Final grades from vocational schools, vocational schools, technical high schools, vocational high schools, and technical schools also return to class for test preparation on this date.
A new feature in Brandenburg since May 4 is that services and meetings can take place again, with no more than 50 or 20 participants (meetings) and in compliance with hygiene and distance regulations. Mouth and nose protection is mandatory in stores (up to 800 square meters) and in local transport. You can also visit museums, monuments, zoos and animal parks.
The quarantine ordinance is valid until May 8. Then it is considered that the playgrounds will reopen. Kindergartens continue to offer only emergency care. Schools have been teaching tenth grade in high schools, comprehensive schools, high schools, and special schools since April 27. For children who are not easily reached through home schooling, schools have offered a pedagogical presence in primary schools and lower secondary level (classes 7 to 10) since May 4, if they can be observed the framework conditions regarding distance rules, learning groups and hygiene.
According to media reports, Bremen will only discuss further relaxation this week. The permission of the services, the reopening of museums, exhibitions, galleries, monuments and zoos, as well as playgrounds are conceivable. The city library has been reopening since Monday. Starting May 4, regular school operations will gradually resume, beginning with graduation classes and classes relevant to grading. Stores up to 800 square meters are already open again, it is mandatory to wear mouth and nose protection there and on local transport. There is the possibility of opening hairdressing businesses from the beginning of May, provided that hygiene measures for protection against infections are observed there, says on the Senate website.
On May 6, the Senate plans to discuss further relaxation. One issue is the readmission of services. The Senate must also determine how it intends to implement last week’s federal and state government agreements. Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) has so far followed a reserved course. So far, federal guidelines have been followed. Consequently, stores up to 800 square meters can open, and stores in shopping malls can also open again.
Schools in Hamburg opened for more classes on Monday. Masks are mandatory in stores, as is local transportation. Compulsory schooling has been interpreted since this week: Fourth grade boys and girls can now participate in classes in primary schools again. Grades 6 and 11 of the high schools, as well as grades 12 of the district schools, were able to return on Monday. For students in the final grades, school had started again after weeks of distance learning early last week.
In Hesse, the crown rules have been relaxed since May 4. After weeks of mandatory breaks, museums, zoos, playgrounds, and hair salons can be reopened in accordance with applicable hygiene and distance rules. Furthermore, interventions and medical operations that are not absolutely necessary are allowed again in clinics and outpatient clinics. However, 25 percent of intensive care beds are still available to Covid 19 patients. Strict restrictions on nursing home and elderly home visits are also somewhat relaxed. Funeral services and services have been permitted since May 1. There are no specific dates for museums and leisure facilities yet. Kindergartens remain closed until May 10. Final classes in schools (class 10) have been held again since April 27. A word of mouth coverage is mandatory for local transportation and business.
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Playgrounds have been in use in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania since April 29. From Saturday, all stores can reopen regardless of their square meters. Since April 27, upper grades have been allowed to return to school, since May 4 they have been supplemented by students in classes 4, 9 and 11. Since this Monday, hairdressers have been able to reopen. Services in churches, synagogues and mosques are also possible again. A possible further opening is eagerly awaited in the area of restaurants and hotels in the region, which is highly dependent on tourism.
Lower saxony
Visit the hairdresser, frolic in the playground and go to church: Lower Saxony has also been loosening some restrictions on May 4 to curb the spread of the crown.
Beauty salons, for example, can reopen this Monday. A minimum distance of 1.50 meters must be guaranteed between clients. Hairdressers are required to wear a face mask and to disinfect their hands after each haircut. In addition, salons must maintain their customers’ contact details for three weeks. Any chain of infection must be traceable.
About 70,000 fourth graders have returned to school since Monday. Until now, high school graduates and tenth graders had returned. Starting Wednesday May 6, playgrounds in Lower Saxony will be able to reopen, as will museums and zoos.
Religious services and gatherings in churches, synagogues, and mosques are also allowed again from mid-week, subject to conditions. According to the State Chancellery, access to services will be limited in number depending on the size of the room. A distance of at least 1.5 meters must also always be guaranteed.
Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) has already announced the next easing: restaurants and inns will reopen on May 11 and hotels on May 25.
North Rhine-Westphalia
A new protection ordinance went into effect in the federal state on Monday, May 4. It allows the reopening of museums, zoos and adult education centers. The hairdressers are also open again. Sports facilities and gyms remain closed. The playgrounds will open from Thursday. The stores will be able to operate again up to a size of 800 square meters from April 27. All known hygiene rules continue to apply, including the mask requirement for local transportation and stores. It has even been expanded, and has also been applied to museums, zoos, and galleries reopened since May 4.
North Rhine-Westphalia puts pressure on the issue of opening nurseries. North Rhine-Westphalia family minister Joachim Stamp (FDP) does not rule out doing it alone on his own if federal chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) decides a corresponding line next Wednesday in a conversation with the prime minister.
Although it can be assumed that a national decision will be made on May 6 to open kindergartens in the Crown era, “but we certainly will not be postponing for another week,” Stamp said. State health minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) also wants to allow visits to nursing homes in the Corona crisis. When this will be the case is still unclear.
You can dress up again, shop even more, and also learn in the classroom: Since May 4, Corona regulations have been relaxed in Rhineland-Palatinate. For example, hairdressing salons in the country can reopen under strict conditions. There are other reliefs for the retail sector, too: Stores can reopen regardless of their product range and retail space.
The services could already be performed in the state on Sunday. May 11 is established as the opening date for museums and galleries. Playgrounds and local sports facilities can be reused after the decision of the municipalities.
On Monday morning, more students will be back on the road. About 130,000 schoolchildren in the state, including fourth grade classes, middle schools, comprehensive comprehensive schools, and high schools. In secondary schools, these are essentially ninth, tenth, or eleventh grade youth.
After seven weeks of school closure, some of the students began teaching again on May 4 in Saarland. It starts for around 26,000 children and teens who take a final exam or move to a high school in the next school year, as announced by the Ministry of Education in Saarbrücken.
These include fourth graders in elementary schools, ninth and tenth graders in community and special schools, vocational students, and high school graduates. The start of school in the crown pandemic is accompanied by strict hygiene requirements.
Additionally, Saarland, for example, has allowed private meetings with members of another household since Monday. Services have been allowed again since Sunday. Mosques and synagogues can also reopen if the number of participants is limited and with distance rules.
All tents can be unlocked regardless of size, but in accordance with hygiene regulations. The 800 square meter rule does not apply. Reopening of museums, hair salons, cosmetic studios, pedicure practices, piercings, and tattoo studios is also allowed. Zoos, animal parks, and playgrounds can also be re-entered.
Nearly 4,000 hairdressers in Saxony have been allowed to reopen since Monday, as have beauty salons, museums, libraries, zoos and playgrounds. Sports clubs have been allowed to use their outdoor facilities again since May 4.
However, everyone must meet strict hygiene and protection requirements to prevent the coronavirus from spreading further. Furthermore, child protection and youth welfare facilities are no longer closed. Starting Wednesday, more boys and girls will be able to return to their schools: this initially applies to schoolchildren of all preschool classes, vocational schools, secondary schools and special schools. In elementary and special schools, grade 4 may return.
There is an innovation in contacts: from Monday you can meet people from your own home, your partner or someone else and your partner outside of Saxony. Before that, you were only allowed to meet people from home or someone else. A shared or family apartment can meet a couple outside. A minimum distance of 1.5 meters must be kept from other people. People are also asked not to visit their relatives. Since Monday, up to 50 people have also been able to attend outdoor gatherings.
There is also relaxation when shopping: larger stores are allowed to open if they limit their sales space to 800 square meters. Furniture stores can also reopen regardless of size. Shopping centers must present concepts before opening them and coordinating them with the health department. Word of mouth liners are still mandatory in local traffic and in stores.
In Saxony-Anhalt, the new week brings a lot of relaxation. As of early Monday, up to five people can gather, not all of whom live in a household, as the new Containment Ordinance takes effect. So far, a maximum of two people have been allowed to meet who do not share an apartment and are not directly related to each other. Saxony-Anhalt is the first federal state to allow this expansion. The clear softening was criticized by other federal states like Berlin. The background is the comparatively low infection rate in the country, as Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) emphasized.
In addition, hairdressing, cosmetic, nail and foot care salons can be opened under hygiene requirements. Businesses are free to let customers in, regardless of retail space and industry, by limiting the number of people in the store based on space. Abitur exams start in schools. Additionally, elementary schools open for the first time and teach fourth graders. In high schools, youth are expected to take tests in the coming year. Single parents can take their children to daycare around the country.
There are also more options when it comes to leisure activities: after zoos and botanical gardens, museums, libraries and monuments can also reopen. Club sports are allowed outdoors if contact can be excluded and no more than five people train at a time. In addition, adult education centers and music schools can open up to five people for individual classes or groups.
There has been further relaxation in Schleswig-Holstein since Monday. Playgrounds, museums and hairdressers may reopen. Second homes are again accessible to their owners. You can also use outdoor areas of botanical parks and marinas. Permanent church and camp services are also possible again. Nursing homes and nursing homes may also allow visits again under strict precautions. The strict distance and hygiene requirements apply to all measures, some of which still need to be regulated. In addition, practical events that are necessary for teaching can take place again at universities. Under strict precautions, nursing homes and nursing homes may allow individual visits for up to two hours.
So-called low-contact sports can be practiced again outdoors. For individual leisure activities, entry into the country is again allowed.
Haircut, beauty treatments, occupational therapy – For several service industries in Thuringia, the weeklong break due to the corona pandemic is over. Since Monday, hairdressers, beauticians and podiatrists have returned for their clients, as have ergo and physical therapists with over-the-counter treatments. Relaxation decided by the state government and poured into regulation over the weekend also affects retail. In compliance with distance regulations and hygiene standards, larger stores, such as furniture stores, can now reopen.
In contrast, Thuringians have to live until at least May 25 with the contact restriction, according to which members of a household can only meet with a maximum of another person.
Services and demonstrations have been allowed in the state since April 23, up to 30 participants are allowed in closed rooms and up to 50 outdoors. Zoos, botanical gardens, museums and galleries have been open since April 27.
Also, the spring semester at universities and technical colleges begins on May 4, but without conference rooms or seminar rooms. The courses are completely digital. On the other hand, for some of the students in Thuringia, learning at home ends with a computer, a phone and worksheets. Scholars who wish to earn a higher or actual grade this year or who are completing the special performance assessment in tenth grade in high school will also return to school.