Corona News Ticker: These flexibilities apply from today in Germany – News Domestic


Palmer against loosening of the crown rules this week

Green Tübingen Mayor Boris Palmer strongly warns against a relaxation of crown restrictions this week. Palmer said on BILD Live on Monday: “I think the relaxation plan is bold. It is suitable to cause a second wave. I would not recommend proceeding faster unless we have taken the appropriate countermeasures. “

In the BILD talk “The Right Questions,” Palmer mostly asked that he finally run out of test capacity, which was a third unused. It is “very strange that tests are rejected because health insurance companies do not pay.” Health insurance companies must also pay for tests “if there are no visible symptoms.” Because there are many corona patients without symptoms. Palmer: “We suffer from sick people.”

Furthermore, according to him, “the balance of data protection and virus protection is wrong.” Because: “We still cannot use the mobile phone data that makes each infection chain visible through an application. It will cost lives. ” He urged politicians to quickly suspend privacy concerns.

As a third prerequisite for relaxation, Palmer called risk differentiation to the effect that in the future not all infections but serious illnesses should be avoided.
