Are disposable gloves protective or do they turn germs around? – Naturopathy portal and naturopathy specialist


Crown protection? Disposable gloves are a roulette

Meanwhile, the use of nose and mouth protection on public transport and mainly also when purchases have become mandatory throughout Germany. However, now you can see more and more people who not only protect themselves against the corona virus with a mask, but also wear gloves. But does that really make sense?

Whether at the supermarket or on a walk: More and more people are putting on disposable gloves to protect themselves against an infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. But according to experts, “bare” hands are actually more hygienic, provided they are thoroughly washed regularly.

Transmission by infection of drops

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), coronaviruses are transmitted according to the current state of knowledge “mainly through respiratory secretions, mainly drops, for example when coughing and sneezing, as well as certain medical or dental measures associated with aerosol formation. “

According to experts, indirect transmission should also be considered, for example, through contaminated hands or surfaces in the clinical setting.

Therefore, some people wear disposable gloves to protect themselves against corona viruses. But how useful is this measure?

The risk of infection is not contained.

The R + V Information Center announced in a message on World Hand Hygiene Day (May 5) that, unlike regular hand washing, disposable gloves made of latex or rubber do not help reduce risk of infection with corona viruses.

“Many people feel better now that their hands are covered. But when you touch things with gloves, you distribute the viruses more than without them, ”explains Friederike Kaiser, consulting physician at R + V Krankenversicherung.

Because pathogens like viruses and bacteria adhere better to skin than to plastics. As a result, they detach the gloves to a significantly greater degree.

“It is also dangerous, for example, if the user touches his face with gloves.”

Gloves can only be used for a short time

Also, the gloves can only be used for a short period to offer protection.

“First of all, the skin swells due to sweat and becomes more susceptible to germs. On the other hand, the gloves become porous and therefore permeable. Carriers, on the other hand, often behave as if they are safe, “says Kaiser.

For this reason, for example, paramedics always put on a new pair of gloves before they come into contact with a new patient, and then immediately remove them.

“However, his main concern is protection against pathogens that are transmitted through the blood, for example, HIV. Corona viruses are not transmitted directly through the hands, but only through contact with the mucous membranes. They can also be easily removed from the hands with soap and water. “

Thorough hand hygiene

The R + V information center has other tips:

Disposable gloves are disposable items that should generally only be used for a short period of time and under no circumstances repeatedly.

Gloves create deceptive safety: With prolonged use, there are hardly any holes visible in the thin material. This also applies when washing disposable gloves.

When undressing, it is essential to make sure that your hands do not touch the outside, which is contaminated with germs.

Washing your hands well with soap is a good protection against coronaviruses and other pathogens, for you and for others. It is recommended to wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds and then wash them. To better estimate the time, experts advise singing “Happy Birthday” twice, for example. (ad)


  • R + V Information Center: Disposable gloves are germs that spin (call: 02.05.2020), R + V Information Center
  • Robert Koch Institute: RKI Recommendations on Hygiene Measures in the Context of Treatment and Care of Patients with a SARS-CoV-2 Infection, (accessed: May 2, 2020), Robert Koch Institute

Important note:
This article contains general information only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. It cannot replace a visit to the doctor.
