ProSieben shows the Xavier Naidoo theme: “Have you always been crazy?”


Xavier Naidoo is in the headlines for his surprise videos. But was the singer “always crazy”? At a ProSieben show:

  • Xavier Naidoo has been distributing scandal videos for a few weeks.
  • The Mannheim singer talks about conspiracy theories and shares racist and crude views.
  • At ProSieben show “Late Night Berlin” Max Giesinger and moderator Klaas talk about the obvious transformation of Xavier Naidoo:

Xavier Naidoo met him a few weeks ago only as a successful soul musician Mannheim. But due to numerous completely confusing videos, very strange and crude statements Conspiracy theories The 48-year-old man goes from being a singer to an artist scandal. Launched just a few days ago Xavier Naidoo an extremely contradictory video in which he talks about the corona virus. Mannheimer admits at one point that he believes the disease is pointless, then wants to let him know that the government is deliberately killing older people through Covid-19, and finally talks about the legal steps he wants to take.

These and many other crazy statements make Xavier Naidoo increasingly unpopular. After the singer was expelled from the DSDS jury for his views, the television station, for example, resigned ProSieben never let it appear again. Among other things, Xavier Naidoo was a coach in “The Voice of Germany”, as Max Giesinger remembers in the “Late Night Berlin” program.

“Xavier Naidoo has always been crazy”? – Late Night Berlin in ProSieben blasphemed about the singer

Monday (April 27) is next Moderator Klaas Heufer-Umlauf (36) the musician Max Giesinger
(31) as a guest in ProSieben format “Late Night Berlin”. On the show, which airs around 11:00 p.m., the two talk about Giesinger’s participation in the cast program “The Voice” in 2012. The then 23-year-old appeared as a candidate and came in fourth place. The coach who took him to that point was Xavier Naidoo. Of course Klaas answers immediately and asks Max Giesinger directly: “Could you guess that it no longer has all the buzz from the pom pom?

Max GiesingerWhoever does not face this question remembers the time of more than 10 years ago. He explains that he really didn’t notice anything at the time. Although they spent a lot of time together, even in a music studio in Mannheim, he quickly went into business for himself, due to different musical tastes, as the 31-year-old singer admits in “Late Night Berlin”.

Xavier Naidoo: Max Giesinger talks about a music colleague: “surprising and confusing”

Max Giesinger adds that Xavier Naidoo even then it is politician Views shared “but not yet what comes out. “As moderator Klaas practices something, Giesinger admits: “What is happening now is a bit surprising and confusing.“But now we look at the career of Xavier Naidoo one scandal after another was already lined up. The Mannheim man was associated with right-wing extremism and Reich citizens from the beginning. But even though he once denied everything, now he doesn’t seem to mind.

Xavier Naidoo becomes the hot topic between Klaas and Max Giesinger in “Late Night Berlin”

© picture alliance / dpa

Klaas is also surprised by Xavier Naidoo’s transformation and thinks of the past. “Well how people get like that is interesting“Says the 36-year-old man with a slight smile. After the show, ProSieben posted the interview on the website with the title:”Has Xavier Naidoo always been crazy?“- and he deals again against the singer.

Xavier Naidoo himself claims that all this emotion is serving his public relations for his new album. Maybe in some cases, even bad public relations is better than none, but if no one wants to listen to the album in the end, this whole thing is ultimately one thing: haunting, desperate and just embarrassing!


Image rubric list: © picture alliance / dpa
