About two weeks ago, Michael Wendler (47) asked for the hand of his Laura (19), and in August the two, of course accompanied by television cameras, want to stand in front of the altar in Las Vegas. In time for the preparations, the hit star even got under the knife of a beauty doctor and straightened her nose.
He presented the result on Friday in “Exclusiv Spezial” and explained: “It is totally unknown, but I have to say that it is not finished yet, his nose is crazy swollen.”
For his Laura, that doesn’t matter anyway. “I really don’t care if he has this nose or someone else,” smiled the 19-year-old. Something else greatly disturbs the bride: Wendler-Ex Claudia Norberg (49).
A few days ago, she wrote an open letter to the couple to prevent Laura from calling her soon. Because Wendler’s an artist name, Michael adopted Claudia’s maiden name at her first wedding. “Do I have to ask him what wedding dress I am wearing? Or if we have a son, what is his name, and if it will be a boy or a girl?” The 19-year-old asked ironically.
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/der-offene-brief-von-michael-wendlers-ex-frau-claudia-norberg-201418892-70398698/Bild/1.bild. jpg “/> The open letter from Michael Wendler’s ex-wife Claudia NorbergPhoto: Claudia Norberg
The Wendler’s demeanor sucks enormously despite his new nose. “We always wonder what comes of it and we can only shake our heads. Of course, we don’t want to talk about our relationship and let them dictate what we have to do,” said the 47-year-old man.
The fact that Claudia even considered coming to the wedding not only surprised him, but also blew his mind, Wendler said. Her fiance became very clear: “There will be no invitation!”, He clarified.
However, the couple did not want to reveal what name Laura would be after the word.