Anne wants a tearful Pocher attack: Instagram mob destroys car


Oliver Pocher and Jan Leyk violently confronted Anne’s wishes. After that there were real attacks. Now let your emotions go wild.

  • Oliver Pocher He recently raged against influential people over and over again.
  • Marketing your own children on social networks is not to your liking either.
  • A Television star He founded an Instagram account with his six-year-old daughter.
  • Now it lights up too Jan Leyk to.

Update April 29: Many have fun about it Schirpf-Tiraden by Oliver Pocher. But that after some strong words against influencer Anne Wunsch It happened, it goes far beyond the limits of good taste.

Anne Wunsch: after Oliver Pocher attack, fans attack her – tearful video

Completely resolved and with Tears in the eyes she stood in front of the camera. “I really didn’t want to show myself like this,” he later explained, “I wanted to be strong for you, outwardly. Maybe it was a mistake, because maybe it’s fair to show how I really am.”

Why the first? Actress “Berlin day and night” such desperate words about his followers, and explicit Oliver Pocher – I should have understood most of them by then.

BNT actress Anne Wunsch after Pocher’s video on the floor: “It hurts a lot”

It hurts so bad I wake up howling and howling back to bed“She admits. The comedian’s attack left Anne wanting away from the cold. Than Bullying by Oliver Pocher just go too far “Is it still comedy?“She asks.

Influential Anne Wunsch can’t do anything after the attacks from the Instagram community.

© Instagram screenshot: anne_wuensche

“Wish that you have this story look and see if that was really your goal, “the influencer appeals to Pocher’s conscience,” you have me want to see on the ground. But the artist’s attacks are not the only ones responsible for making her feel so bad.

According to a video by Oliver Pocher: the Instagram mob starts with Anne’s wishes: her girlfriend’s car destroyed

After the Pocher video came in real instagram mafia about Anne’s wishes. A phenomenon that various influencers had to experience. “Really nasty and nasty news“They were among them. What her friend, Kim Zarwell, is going through after partying out of wishes goes even further.

Anne Wunsch: You received such messages after the Pocher video.

© Instagram screenshot: anne_wuensche

Than The blonde’s car was badly damaged. The unknowns probably entered his private property and threw paint on the car. They also left behind a threatening message. “Leave Pocher alone. You’re a fat boar,” said the letters pasted on a letter that is almost only known from crime movies.

This threatening message was received by Anne Wishes’ friend, Kim Zarwell.

© Instagram screenshot: anne_wuensche

Yes Oliver Pocher freezes when he finds out about that? We’ll probably find out soon through her Instagram channel. “I do not understand why it all happened and why you have to attack us influencers like thatAnne awaits explanations in her final message.

Anne Wunsch sends a message to Oliver Pocher and Instagram users.

© Instagram screenshot: anne_wuensche

Pocher’s Instagram campaign: the comedian gets a television star to help him, shudders with a confession

Update April 16: The recipe for success Oliver Pocher It is simple and questionable at the same time. The television star likes to promote himself as a moral apostle. He presents himself as the moral guardian of the Internet, which appeals to reason. Its currently untenable victims come mainly from the Instagram scene. More precisely, they are Influencerwho, from their point of view, have completely wrong habits. As a result, he ridicules influencers on social media and takes them out of cocoa for their lifestyle. It is up to you whether that is virtuous behavior. There is no doubt that it will bring you great success.

Oliver Pocher shoots Anne Wunsch

Most recently, Pocher was enraged at a former Actress “Berlin – Day and night”who launched an Instagram account with his daughter. The moral fire brigade “Pocher” immediately jumped and is now being completed. In a live chat on Instagram, he attacks the 28-year-old. Anne wishes again But not only the comedian mocks her, his wife also Amira and the former “Berlin Tag & Nacht” – actor Jan Leyk (35) supporting him Leyk in particular seems to be full of hatred. He often takes vocabulary, and the two have a common past. But one after another.

“At each sperm party they have a new son. I put too much on the old woman and I always have the child in the photo, “the DJ takes a breather first and adds,” I should buy some condoms. “

Leyk alleges that his children would use them for advertising purposes. “I still find this compensation for the fact that you don’t shit at all and then you use the kids to make ends meet, that drives me crazy “the 35-year-old man says contemptuously.

In leyk sizzles noticeably. It seems that the wishes are the declared arch-enemy. But that was not always the case. “I’ll say something now, then I can delete Instagram,” the DJ presents his surprising statement. “I had something with that! Sorry. Now it’s official. “

Jan Leyk: “He only has a gap between his ears”

The link was apparently eight years ago, as the 35-year-old says: “I have the Anne wishes A couple of years ago, something really popped up in front of my swimsuits. “

Back then, wishes were totally normal, he says. However, now there is no trace of this: “He only has a void between his ears. Back then, that was a normal good girl. “

The confession surprises even Oliver Pocher. The comedian immediately offered Leyk to remove the live broadcast. However, this is not an option for those 35 and older. Also, wishes can’t pay the legal fees anyway, he explains.

The discussion between the two is probably not over yet.

Despite a clear warning from Oliver Pocher: TV star posts questionable photos

First report of April 15: Cologne – Same Comedian Oliver Pocher don’t shy away from your opinion Influencers Making the general public known and ridiculing it thoroughly has become clear in recent weeks at the latest.

But there is also another topic. Comedian be a real thorn in the side. For example, he recently commented on marketing his own children on social media. An ex Star of “Berlin – Day and night” Now he opened an Instagram account with his daughter, and directly reaped the ridicule of Pocher.

Oliver Pocher still warned, but BNT-Star seemed to take it lightly

Oliver Pocher and his wife Amira We are not the first to address this problem. In the past there have been frontal attacks on famous parents who brag about their offspring on social media. “The celebrities who market their children in any way, and especially on the Internet, seem totally wrong to me and to some extent also anti-social,” Pocher said in November. RTL. At that time, the former DSDS winner came Sarah Lombardi in sight of the comedian. Today Oliver Pocher criticizes the first Actress from “Berlin – Day and Night” Anne Wunsch.

Pocher and his wife seemed to be coldly criticized for this issue. Along with her first six year old daughter miley Now he founded an account on the popular Instagram platform. Miley’s account isn’t open to the public, but she already has more than 3,000 followers (as of April 15 at 4 p.m.).

Anne Wunsch creates an Instagram account for her daughter: Pocher’s reaction is immediate

It wasn’t until Easter Monday that the mother of two officially announced her daughter’s account on her own Instagram account. “A new Instagram page for both of us!” Wrote Anne Wunsch in a story, and Oliver Pocher was not hidden.

“That is all Negative example the commercialization of children: take advantage and have one totally in the waffle … ”Oliver Pocher criticized, how Promiflash reported.

If the first Anne wishes probably decided to delete the account? The fact is: also Sarah and Dominic Harrison, who are increasingly becoming Oliver Pocher’s target, had created an account for their two-year-old daughter. The account has since been deleted. Katzenberger’s sister was also recently attacked by Pocher, and counterattacked.

Sonja Zietlow is highly insulted on Facebook. The moderator pulls the emergency brake.


Image of rubric list: © Instagram screenshot: anne_wuensche
