Famous under palm trees (Saturday 1): Claudia Obert reveals the secret clause of the contract


Famous under the palm trees (Saturday 1): after violent intimidation, Claudia Obert leaves “Famous under the palm trees”. After moving in, the designer shoots sharply and even reveals secret contract terms.

  • Claudia Obert (58) left the Mansion “Celebrities under the palm trees” voluntarily
  • There were quite a few spectators shocked by the intimidation show
  • After moving out, Claudia Obert shoots heavily at her former roommates

Phuket, Thailand – With the latest episode “Celebrities under palm trees” The show has once again been full of scandals and insults. Villagers “celebrities under the palm trees”, except for Tobias Wegner (27), have joined and bullied Claudia Obert from celebrity shared flat.

Famous under palm trees – Claudia Obert in a discussion with Bastian Yotta and Desiree Nick

© Picture Alliance / Richard Hübner / SAT.1

The Hamburg businesswoman then went unnoticed in the morning hours from the villa in Thailand. Some viewers of “Celebrities under Palms” were surprised that the station broadcast the bullying on television. But a Claudia Obert does not want to be alone and shoots sharply at her former roommates.

Celebrities under palm trees: a towel was the trigger

How literal is the title “Celebrities under palm trees: I do everything for money” (Celebrities Under the Palm Trees (SAT.1): All the show’s broadcast dates and the start of the broadcast) must be taken, Claudia Obert, who enjoys drinking, learned in the fourth episode of the reality show. The beginning Scandal in “celebrities under palm trees” with a towel that Carina Spack (23) placed on the balcony to provoke the 59-year-old woman so that the designer can no longer enjoy the view of the sea. Then Claudia threw the towel from the balcony and the bullying show started.

Celebrities under palm trees: intimidation horror for Claudia Obert

How Claudia Obert wanted to go to sleep, the other celebrities followed her provoked the self-made millionaire As they could First, there was a lot of noise in the bedroom, followed by a shower of insults and disrespect. Bastian Yotta (43) explained that the pus on his shin would remind him of Claudia Obert. Matthias Mangiapane (36) previously described the Freiburg native as “cattle”, “Pottsau” and “Hohlbratze”.

Celebrities under palm trees: Claudia Obert reveals secret contract clause

But the culmination of evil came from Carina Spack (23) The statement that Claudia Obert would only participate in “celebrities under palm trees” because she has no one to wait and wait at home hit the 58-year-old girl hard.

When the salesman fled to the living room in search of luxury items, tears spilled over the businessman he was otherwise delivering. Alone Tobias Wegner, participant of “Love Island” He thinks that the deals of his famous colleagues are not right. “Preparing a woman to cry is violent,” explains the muscular man on the show.

Famous under palm trees: viewers complained to the station

Some viewers discovered that this intimidation went too far complained to the station
(TV: These are the best television shows on German television: channels, ratings and moderators). He commented on this and explained that psychologists are available on the site and that the candidates have experience in reality television. Claudia Obert even discussed a contractual clauseprobably only a few viewers know: “Contracts say we have to Have respect for each other. But that was the opposite, “reveals designer bild.de.

After the voluntary departure from the villa. Claudia Obert much more free. His popularity ratings have also increased significantly among the public. Assist “Celebrities under palm trees” it would have done his company good, reveals focus.de. In the end, the former “celebrity under the palms” participant again in an interview with bild.de: “It wasn’t just bullying, that was crazy

List of rubric lists: © Sat.1 / Richard Hübner
