Nightmare Vacation! Yvonne hopes to save Jo Gerner


Actually, it should be a romantic vacation for Yvonne (Gisa Zach) and Jo (Wolfgang Bahro), but since her husband has to work, Yvonne is planning a girlfriend vacation in Fuerteventura with her friends Nina (Maria Wedig) and Maren (Eva Mona Rodekirchen). But then Maren brings a surprise guest: Katrin (Ulrike Frank), Jo’s ex. But not only that creates a bad mood. The dream vacation turns into a journey of terror … Our exclusive video shows how Yvonne bravely believes in saving Jo.

The anniversary episode of “Good Times, Bad Times” can be seen on television on April 29 and in advance on TVNOW.

Documentary: “7000 episodes of GZSZ – The stars up close”

On April 29, 2020 there will be a great feature film documentary directly after GZSZ: “7000 GZSZ episodes – The Stars up close.”

We accompanied the filming of the series of feature films in the Canary Islands. We also show the GZSZ stars in private: visit the Schlönvoigts and meet Timur Ülker with his girlfriend and two children at the Berlin Zoo.

Chryssanthi Kavazi reveals how her life changed after the birth of her son and there are many interesting ideas from the set.

Catch GZSZ episode 7000 on TVNOW!
