Report: Apple Postpones Mass Production Of Next Generation iPhone


Production probably starts a month later than usual. Apple is also said to reduce manufacturing figures by as much as 20 percent. This corresponds to a current forecast by Strategy Analytics, according to which smartphone sales were down 21 percent this year.

Apple Allegedly reduces production of the next generation of iPhone – the company’s first smartphones to support the new 5G mobile communications standard. As the Wall Street Journal reports, mass production is expected to start approximately a month later than expected. That would be another sign that the COVID 19 pandemic is having a significant impact on Apple and the smartphone market in general.

iPhone SE (Image: Apple)Apple generally begins production of the new generation iPhone in early summer to have enough stock at the market launch in September. According to a WSJ source, this date should not only be postponed by about a month, but Apple should also cut planned production volume by as much as 20 percent.

IPhones are responsible for more than half of Apple’s sales. In the fiscal first quarter, the smartphone division dumped nearly $ 56 billion into Apple’s box. Earlier this year, analysts were also confident that the first 5G iPhones will boost demand.

However, in February, at the start of the crown crisis, Apple already warned about the possible consequences of the new crown virus for demand and the supply chain. Since then, Apple has assumed that the original forecast for the first three months of 2020 cannot be met. On April 30, Apple will release its second-quarter results, which will show how severely the crisis has affected Apple.

In early April, IDC market researchers also made a forecast for the global smartphone market, which currently forecasts a 2.3 percent drop by 2020. Starting in 2021, demand for 5G smartphones should stimulate the market. again, but Apple should increase its market share Android submit By 2024, Apple’s share is expected to decline from the current 13.9 percent to 13 percent.

Strategy Analytics also evaluates market events in a similar way. In its forecast, 5G should also supply increasing sales starting in 2021. However, sales could drop 21 percent in 2020. One reason for the significantly more negative assessment could be that IDC’s forecast comes from early April, while Strategy Analytics did not speak until two weeks later.

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