Is the virus transmitted through air conditioning?


Time and again new questions arise about the corona virus, for which there are still no answers. Especially when it comes to Sars-CoV-2 transmission routes. The extent to which air conditioners contribute to the spread of the virus is currently being discussed.

There is an alarming message from China: as the Southern German newspaper He had reported that there was a worrying chain of infection in a five-story restaurant in Guangzhou. Therefore, the restaurant is ventilated by air conditioning. There are no windows there. Ten guests were diagnosed with Covid-19 after visiting a restaurant. They sat at different tables and belong to three families who had no contact with each other.

Air conditioning systems: are viruses carried by the air flow?

The researchers assume that the infection came from a single guest at another restaurant. But exactly this host not only infected people in his immediate vicinity. It probably also infected people who sow much more than the droplet infection would have been possible. Scientists assume that the air conditioning system was responsible for the spread of the virus in the restaurant. Viruses were further transported by air flow.

But it is still too early to label all ventilation systems as dangerous. Because the virus is still spread primarily by drop infection, less often by smear infection. Due to filters built into air conditioning systems, droplets with air flow are no longer transported, according to the Federal Industry Association for Technical Construction Equipment (BTGA) in Bonn.

Air conditioning and ventilation in the car.

To limit any risk, the BTGA recommends ventilation with the largest possible proportion of outdoor space and reducing the proportion of recirculated air. According to the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), the main thing is the type of air conditioning and maintenance. In general, good room ventilation helps reduce the risk of infection.

This also applies to air conditioning in the car. Dr. said Ernst Tabori, Managing Director and Medical Director of the German Hygiene Advice Center: “If the air conditioning system sucks in fresh air, it does not matter. In the case of recirculating air circulation, the situation it’s different for aerobically transmissible pathogens. “

This means that the air being stirred again increases the risk. “So in the car, I would rather avoid recirculation. Especially if you are sitting in the car with people who are not part of your home. Find out here.
