What was decided: SHFV ends the 2019/2020 season earlier


Dear club representatives,

In an extraordinary meeting, held as a video conference on Monday night, the SHFV Presidium decided the 2019/20 season in the league classes of the Schleswig-Holstein Football Association it will not extend beyond June 30, 2020. The season will end without further play. The regulation applies to all ages and leagues in the SHFV area and district soccer associations. At the next regular meeting on Saturday, May 9, 2020, the Presidium will decide how the results of the 2019/20 season and the promotions and relegations and cup competitions will be evaluated. Questions about the reporting windows (team log, referee log, etc.) will also be the topic of the May 9 meeting.

The new season should start on September 1

In the video conference, members of the Presidium discussed possible scenarios regarding game operations in the context of the crown pandemic, which currently impedes game and training operations. Discussions included the possibility of continuing the 2019/20 season with the current ranking at a later date, as well as the option for the season to expire on June 30, 2020. With a large majority (114 out of 115 votes present, one abstention) ), the Presidium members decided to end the 2019/20 season on June 30, 2020. The new 2020/21 season should start on September 1, 2020 if possible.

Especially among the district presidents, who represent the interests of their respective clubs in the SHFV Presidium, there has been a clear no for an extension of the season. We have always expressed a desire to continue the 2019/20 season, but given the current situation, the decision to end the season on June 30, 2020 gives our clubs the best possible planning security. In the past few weeks, we have been able to get this out of many phone calls with club representatives.

From a sporting point of view, this decision hurts us and, certainly, the teams that have pursued great goals this season. However, we have to accept that continuing the season at a time that is not yet predictable would be associated with too much uncertainty. We do not want our clubs to remain suspended for the long term without the possibility of resuming play in the short or medium term.

The SHFV Presidium, which in addition to the members of the Executive Presidium also includes the eleven district presidents and the 15 SHFV-level presidents, will make a decision at the next regular meeting on Saturday, May 9 regarding promotion rules. and decline in the 2019/20 season, as well as the general conditions of the 2020/21 series of games decide. We are aware that we can now initially plan the operation of the current series game, but we also have to prepare a model for the next season 2020/21 in case we cannot start the operation of the game as we wish on 01.09.2020. Here it is particularly important for us to proceed thoroughly and take into account all sporting and legal aspects. We will inform all clubs on May 9 as soon as decisions have been made in the presidium. If there is information in advance, also from the official side, we will inform you immediately.

We hope that with this decision we can all face the next few weeks with a certain predictability and we will all be ready when the ball can roll again in the second half of the year. We are happy to answer any questions.
