Corona virus in NRW: insolvent traditional company + corpse in high altitude crown


  • Corona at NRW – the virus is rampant
  • North Rhine-Westphalia has already suffered more than 1,100 deaths
  • All the news and updates here

As of today, due to Coronavirus in NRW A mask requirement. That also determines the opposite Coronavirus in NRW People’s life.

Coronavirus in NRW: All current developments and news about Covid-19 on the news blog

Every day there are new developments, decisions and sad individual destinies. On our news blog about Corona at NRW, we keep you posted on the current situation.


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Tuesday, April 28

6.30 am: the traditional company declares bankruptcy

Prime Minister Armin Laschet recently emphasized that NRW is the country of kitchen builders. Now it hit a kitchen maker during the Corona pandemic. Herford-based Poggenpohl Möbelwerke GmbH has filed for bankruptcy in light of the significant drop in orders and sales since the outbreak of the crown pandemic. A spokesman for the Bielefeld district court confirmed the bankruptcy filing on Monday. The kitchen manufacturer himself emphasized that the liquidity bottlenecks caused by the crisis “could no longer be compensated despite short-term measures, such as short-term work and the adjustment of production capacities.”

Due to the ongoing restructuring, Poggenpohl also failed to take advantage of the federal government’s aid program to protect the economy in the Corona crisis, the company said. Business operations will continue and the company and brand will be saved as part of the bankruptcy proceedings. Salaries and wages paid to the 270 employees of Poggenpohl Möbelwerke GmbH during the months of April to June 2020 will be guaranteed in the short term through pre-financing of bankruptcy money. to be

Monday, April 27

10:15 p.m.: 40 Corona-infected people in a Bonn refugee shelter

At the initial reception facility for refugees from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in Bonn, 40 people are infected with the coronavirus. The Cologne district government announced this number of confirmed crown cases on Monday night. The tests of the remaining 271 residents were negative. All stakeholders were informed of the results. Refugee accommodation has been in quarantine since Corona’s first confirmed case last Tuesday.

9:50 p.m.: NRW catches up on unusual open Sundays

NRW Economic Affairs Minister Andreas Pinkwart (FDP) announced Monday, according to the Rheinische Post, that he would like to catch up on Sundays that are closed due to the Corona crisis. It remains to be regulated whether the municipalities can decide for themselves or whether the state of North Rhine-Westphalia issues a directive.

8.30 p.m .: The opening of the playgrounds will be verified.

Will NRW playgrounds reopen soon? The federal state is now examining openness under certain conditions, such as supervision. “As long as there can be responsible supervision, I advocate opening playgrounds again for the foreseeable future,” Family Minister Joachim Stamp (FDP) told the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger.”

There are several options for possible supervision so that the rules are observed: “This could be administrative employees from areas where there is temporarily less work or volunteers. We will discuss this with our contact persons for child and youth labor, as well as with the municipalities. “

19:35: corpse discovered in the Corona skyscraper

Over the weekend, 377 residents of a high-rise building in Grevenbroich had to undergo the crown test because two families had failed to comply with the quarantine. A body was discovered in the home on Monday. That informs the image.

According to this, the ambulance service should have been informed around noon because a man behind the closed door had stopped responding. The paramedic then found the 58-year-old dead in the department. The police do not assume that the party is to blame. It is still unclear whether the deceased was infected with the coronavirus.

7:06 p.m .: Result of expected mass tests on high-rise buildings

In Grevenbroich, hundreds of people had to undergo the coronavirus test on Sunday. The action was necessary because the infected people had not complied with the quarantine requirements. A total of 377 residents were evaluated. Results can be expected on Tuesday.

Therefore, the area around the three connected houses was fenced in over the weekend. Four security guards in the city located between Düsseldorf and Mönchengladbach ensure that no one comes to the site and that no one leaves it.

6.20 p.m.: Prohibitions on the weekend of May

No carts, no alcohol and no music: The city of Leverkusen is planning several restrictions for May 1st. This is to curb the spread of the corona virus, a city press release said Monday.

5:55 p.m .: New case numbers for NRW

The number of demonstrably infected with the coronavirus in NRW increased Monday by 203 to a total of 31,860 cases since the pandemic began. Deaths increased by 35 to 1131. According to the Ministry of Health, the approximate number of people recovered was 21,737 and the doubling time increased to 25.8 days.

4.40 p.m. The first city introduces the mask requirement in schools

In NRW, Wesseling is the first city to have a mask introduced into schools. Starting Tuesday, this will apply to students and teachers at all three high schools, city spokeswoman Andrea Kanonenberg told the German Press Agency.

16.02: NRW Family Minister: A national daycare is not opening

In North Rhine-Westphalia and other federal states, there will be no uniform deadline for children to return to kindergartens during the Corona crisis. North Rhine-Westphalia Family Minister Joachim Stamp (FDP) made this clear on Monday.

“There cannot and will not be a calendar with fixed dates for all countries, but a framework must be created in which countries can follow their own regional rhythm and specifically by country,” Stamp said at the request of the German Press Agency in Düsseldorf. “Countries need more freedom to deal with the pandemic as a whole because development differs from region to region,” Stamp continued.

3:50 p.m .: Laschet’s accusations cause problems for local authorities

Local umbrella organizations are upset by NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet after he harshly criticized Anne Will for dealing with the crown crisis at ARD. Laschet’s indictment: the municipalities of North Rhine-Westphalia were not sufficiently prepared for the opening of the school and did not acquire disinfectants on time.

Krefeld Mayor Frank Meyer (SPD) tweeted: “It is an affront to all those who fight the crisis and its aftermath on a daily basis.” The head of the Düsseldorf school, Burkhard Hintzsche, rejected the allegations. “As school administrators, we prepare for the opening of school before Easter and take into account all technical advice,” said Hintzsche. But then the NRW school ministry came around the corner with “always new decrees” in a few hours.

2:50 p.m.: 31,000 businesses receive emergency aid payments

Due to fraud attempts, the disbursement of emergency aid was stopped for a week. 900 announcements were received, as NRW Minister of Economic Affairs Andreas Pinkwart said at a press conference. A quarter of these ads were examined more intensively, in two cases there was a redirection of payments. The minister spoke of damages of 34,000 euros.

Meanwhile, NRW’s request for emergency aid has started again. Applications can still be submitted until the end of May, an extension is already being discussed. On Monday, 31,000 companies received their payments, Pinkwart said. 20 percent of applications are still pending.

2.10 p.m .: Police pick up illegal poker games

Police dissolved a poker game with 21 people in a town in Marl on Saturday night. After a tip, officials reviewed and found what they were looking for. Poker tables were set up in one room. Two knives and illegal drugs were also found. Announcements of illegal gambling, violations of the Gun Law, the Stun Law and the Crown Protection Ordinance are now waiting for the poker round.

12.35 p. M .: thieves steal protective equipment in Dortmund

Protective mouth and nose masks, disposable gloves and disposable overalls were stolen from a warehouse in Dortmund over the weekend. The unknown perpetrators broke into a warehouse on Oespeler Kirchweg between April 25, at 2 p.m. and on April 26, at 4:15 p.m. Here they looted several boxes and finally stole protective equipment worth more than 10,000 euros. In Crown times, today it should be even more valuable. Dortmund Police request information under 0231 – 132 7441.

11:00 am: the family makes serious accusations against the Essen University Hospital

An Essen man died in mid-April as a result of the coronavirus. Before that, he is said to have told his family about the adventure conditions at the university hospital. “They run around like there is no Crown,” he is said to have reported. His family is now making serious accusations. Here are all the details!

10.06 a.m.: Dormagen High School has to close again after three days

After just three days, a high school in Dormagen has to close again. The “Rheinische Post” reports and refers to a letter from the school to parents, teachers, and students. Consequently, there is a crown case in the family of a student at the Norbert-Gymnasium Knechtsteden. It was only last Thursday that the high school resumed operations for future high school graduates. Preparation for the Abitur must now be done digitally.

9:10 am: the police control the crown rules and discover drugs

The police at the Märkischer Kreis had a lot of work this weekend. There was a double problem for two groups. Four adults consumed alcohol and marijuana at the Tinsberger Schulweg in Lüdenscheid on Friday night. In addition to criminal proceedings for violation of the Narcotics Law, reports were also filed for violations of the Corona Protection Ordinance. The same fate caught three people in Iserlohn. Two of them also had narcotics with them.

Furthermore, numerous amateur soccer players apparently forgot that only professional clubs have been allowed to train to a certain extent. They played on the soccer field at the Wiesmer. Police and the regulatory office wrote nine notices.

8:40 am: Violent wind for Laschet

Powerful headwind for Armin Laschet on the ARD Anne Will talk show. SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach accused the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia: “The schools would never have opened, they are not prepared at all.” It is not the only accusation that Laschet had to bear. Here you can find all the information about the program!

7 am. Mask! Then he sews, disinfects and washes them properly

Starting today, the mask requirement applies at NRW! You can read here how you can sew your mask yourself, how to disinfect and wash it properly.

Sunday, April 26

10:16 pm: Essen: the artist designs protective masks – HERE you can even get them for free

Starting Monday at NRW, the mask requirement applies to stores and local transportation. An Essen artist is producing very special specimens. All the information here!

20.55: Essen: 26 years old without previous diseases dies of Covid-19

In Essen, a 26-year-old boy died Sunday of the consequences of the coronavirus, according to the WAZ. What was special: the man had no notable previous illnesses. It is the first case of such a young victim in the region.

8:20 p.m .: Laschet surprises with statements about a conversation with Merkel

Prime Minister Armin Laschet of North Rhine-Westphalia is dulling expectations for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s upcoming discussion with the Prime Minister on fighting the crown epidemic. “I think we will not have any new fundamental decisions on Thursday,” the CDU politician said in the ARD “Berlin Report” on Sunday. It was agreed that one would wait two weeks after the first relief measures. “You also need a little patience there.” They will mainly talk about children and adolescents, amateur sports, playgrounds and religious services.

Basically, Laschet campaigned for a holistic discussion of questions about the crown’s restrictions: “He also thinks what harm we really do through the blockade.” What does that mean for children and teenagers who are in apartments, who no longer go to daycare? ”One has to argue much more exhaustively and not look at the infection numbers every day.

7:01 PM: NRW Home Secretary Reul finds ghost games justifiable

North Rhine-Westphalia Interior Minister Herbert Reul has responded positively to the organization of the games without a spectator in the Bundesliga and has taken appropriate measures. Ghost games are justifiable, said the CDU politician. “I hope the ball will roll again soon. We are intensely preparing for this in the police force because there could be problems,” Reul said in an interview with “Welt.”

6:11 pm: Police pick up illegal puffs

Spicy Cologne news! As part of an investigation, police picked up a brothel that had defied crown restrictions. All the information here!

5:06 pm: Düsseldorf airport is planning a drastic step

In the course of the Corona crisis, Düsseldorf Airport apparently wants to react to the significantly lower volume of travel and take drastic measures. Here are all the details!

4:06 pm: Will sports activity resume soon?

This message gives all athletes at NRW a little hope. The German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and the State Sports Confederations (LSB) see positive signs for the resumption of sport in the individual federal states. In a video conference on Saturday there was unanimity, as announced by the DOSB in a joint statement together with the LSB on Sunday.

After positive comments from sports ministers, the corresponding offer to politicians was further developed: “In addition to the ten DOSB guidelines, there are now also sports-specific transition rules from specialist associations for a first step careful towards club sports, “said DOSB President Alfons. Hörmann: “Therefore, we are prepared for a responsible return to work and now we await a national signal of political openness.”

2:56 p.m .: Nice trend! More than a thousand people recovered in 24 hours.

The number of coronavirus infections in North Rhine-Westphalia increased slightly to 31,657 on Sunday. That is 197 more confirmed cases than the previous day, as can be seen in the figures from the State Health Center (LZG). The number of crown kills increased from 12 to 1096.

At the same time, 21,583 patients recovered, an increase of 1,171 in 24 hours. Numbers transmitted through official reporting channels generally increase slightly more slowly on weekends than on weekdays. Of a total of 7,934 intensive care beds in NRW, 2,876 were unoccupied on Sunday, according to the ministry.

1.35 p.m .: Scroll back: Federal government changes plans

Everything is different now. The planned crown tracking application should also be introduced in NRW. Now it has decided to change course, as reported by the WDR. This means that users no longer want to save data to a central server. Instead, one wants to try a technology that only stores the contacts on the respective device. The application should show where and when you had contact with people with a crown.

12:00 p.m .: Drama in the NRW shelters

Animal shelters in the NRW They face big problems. According to a dpa survey, those responsible for the shelter see the main problems they face. For example, the aid established for food costs of a single payment of 2,000 euros would not be enough.

“Those in the Ministry of Finance think that animal shelters are the hobby of widowed grandmothers,” criticizes Ralf Unna, vice president of the State Association for Animal Protection. NRW. The 2,000 euros is a joke, says Unna.

It is not yet clear how animals will be cared for in the future. Very few animals are currently being traded. Furthermore, less and less is being donated. So thousands of animals have to worry about their food. We can only hope that a solution is found quickly that helps everyone involved.

11.35 a.m .: mass test in high altitude complex

Two families did not follow the quarantine rules.

Photo: dpa

Testing has now started at the high-rise complex in Grevenbroich.

11.10 am: Drive-in services before the end?

Relocation services have been very fashionable among believers in recent days. In many places in North Rhine-Westphalia, Christians could hear the words of preachers in their cars. This could end soon. Finally, normal religious services will be held again next Friday.

10.20 a.m .: no fixed fines

This regulation is surprising. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia has not imposed fixed fines if the mask requirement is violated. Leave this to the regulatory offices of the municipalities. In addition, a penalty should only be applied if those affected refuse to put on the mask when asked to do so.

9.30 a.m.: Positive balance after buying on Saturday

Although yesterday’s shopping streets in NRW were significantly more crowded than in recent days, cities achieved a positive balance. As reported by the ‘dpa’, it remained much more empty than before the Corona crisis. Also, many people had already worn a mask on Saturday and thus avoided the obligation that will apply from Monday.

But there were also exceptions that show that many people have learned very little: in Dortmund, people walked closely along the Westenhellweg shopping street. This photo shows, taken on Saturday:

8.25 a.m.: Camp Holidays: Allowed or Prohibited?

Holidays are likely to be a difficult task this year. Islands like Sylt, for example, cannot go abroad, and it is difficult to do so. Is at least a relaxing camping vacation possible?

Under conditions: If you are a long-term camper and have an annual parking space, you can also go on vacation next to the garden gnome and paddling pool this summer. According to the NRW Ministry, this is not included in “tourist use”.

7:45 am: High-rise complex in Grevenbroich (NRW) completely closed

Some just don’t see it. Now everyone has to suffer from them.

Because two families are concerned about him Corona virus infected, did not adhere to the rules of the health department, a complete high-rise complex in Grevenbroich had to be closed.

The two families remained in contact with their neighbors despite strict security regulations. Now the Rhein-Kreis Neuss was forced to test all 450 residents. They are scheduled to take place this Sunday, a spokesperson told the ‘World ‘.

Residents must now remain in their homes until the evidence has been evaluated.

Saturday, April 25

10:47 p.m .: Sunday open to sales makes Cologne angry

The stores will open in Cologne on Sundays. This is a big thorn in the side of many people in Cologne (all the details here).

9.40 p.m .: Bad scenes at Düsseldorf airport

There were bad scenes at the Düsseldorf airport this week. People crowded into waiting areas, images that you don’t want to see in times of the corona virus. Here are the details!

8:51 p.m .: Violent to the branches of IKEA

IKEA branches have experienced a great fever in recent days. You can read about the disadvantages of this here.

7:09 p.m .: What does the mouthguard obligation mean?

Starting Monday, the mouth guard requirement applies in stores and in local traffic at NRW. You can find out what this means and what to consider here.

6:05 p.m.: Positive balance on the first Saturday of shopping after loosening

The first Saturday of shopping since the relaxation of retail regulations has started without major incidents. The shopping streets were full again, but not as full as on a “normal” sunny Saturday.

Now the focus is on Monday: at NRW the protective mask requirement begins and, for the first time, the minimum distance is officially prescribed in public. Until now there has been no legal basis for the often conjured minimum distance of 1.5 meters. The state government has now compensated him.

7/17 clock: Despite Corona: court allows demonstration against uranium transport

The administrative court allowed a demonstration against uranium transport on Monday in Münster. The city’s law enforcement office initially banned the demonstration, and the citizens’ initiative went to court. According to the court, a maximum of 35 people can wear mouth protection and keep a minimum distance.

The demonstration is aimed at allegedly planned transportation from the Gronau uranium enrichment plant through the city of Münster.

3:47 pm: massive Corona test in more than 100 apartments

The Corona tests had to be carried out in 117 apartments in a high-rise building in Grevenbroich. Reason simply leaves you speechless (here are the details).

2:54 p.m .: almost 31,500 infections – 1,084 dead

In North Rhine-Westphalia, 31,460 coronavirus infections were counted as of Saturday. These are 360 ​​more confirmed cases than the previous day, according to figures from the National Health Center. The number of deaths increased by 32 in one day to 1,084 since the pandemic began.

The group of those who have recovered is also growing: with 155 new ones, a total of 20,412 cases are now reported to be considered recovered after a coronavirus infection.

Of the total 7,934 intensive care beds in NRW, 2,837 were still available on Friday, according to the ministry.

12.50 p.m .: the center of Münster is full

The images that come to us from Münster are surprising. This is how the city center of the metropolis NRW is despite the danger of Corona virus packed very well

The images of the city show several people walking through the historic city center of Münster. At least positive: many of them already wear a mask and adhere to distance rules in front of stores.

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These stores have reopened at NRW:

  • Stores with less than 800 square meters of commercial space
  • Car and bicycle dealers
  • Bookstores
  • Furniture stores (eg Ikea, XXXLutz, Höffner, Roller, Porta Möbel, Danish bed storage …)
  • Baby markets (eg BabyOne, Babymarkt, Alvo, Babyprofi …)

These stores are still open at NRW:

  • Supermarkets
  • Wholesaler
  • Pharmacy
  • Pharmacy
  • Hardware store
  • Collection and delivery services.
  • Service stations
  • Post offices
  • Banks
  • Flower shops
  • Laundries, laundries

These stores remain closed:

  • Stores with more than 800 square meters of commercial space.
  • Restaurants, bars and pubs.
  • Hairdressers (opening possible from May 4)

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(dso / js / red / jhe / dpa)
