Youth Stroke Risk May Increase


Does Covid-19 increase the risk of stroke? Cases in which especially young people under the age of 50 suffer a stroke as a result of Covid disease 19 are apparently increasing in the USA. USA This is the result of a report by American doctor Thomas Oxley, which appears in the New England Journal of Medicine on Wednesday.

Oxley is the head of the intensive care unit at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. There, five patients, all under the age of 50, had to be treated for a stroke over a two-week period. According to Oxley, that’s about seven times more than in a corresponding period. All the patients had Covid-19.

Stroke as a result of Covid 19 infection?

Oxley also admits that the number of patients examined remains very manageable. However, other of his American counterparts have reportedly made similar observations. There is apparently evidence that Covid-19 infection could lead to unusual blood clotting in the large arteries and that strokes are a possible consequence, Oxley told CNN.

The neurosurgeon also confirmed to the US news channel. USA That the five affected patients had almost no previous illnesses, three of them were only at home with mild crown symptoms. Two patients in whom the virus could be detected would have shown no symptoms. In principle, strokes are very rare in patients between 30 and 40 years old.


A closer look at the corona virus

The crisis of the crown keeps Germany, Europe and the world on hold and largely paralyzes public life. Here is a closer look at the culprit. © Reuters

Repeatedly discussed neurological symptoms

Loss of smell and taste, dizziness, headache: Doctors had previously referred to neurological symptoms in 19 Covid patients. This includes German virologist Hendrik Streeck, who is working on a large study in the Heinsberg district on behalf of the North Rhine-Westphalia state government. The North Rhine-Westphalia region is the epicenter of the coronavirus in Germany. The Bonn scientist and his team reported from the beginning on possible disorders in the sense of smell and taste.

According to the German medical journal, up to 80 percent of European Covid-19 patients even suffered loss of smell and taste. Peter Berlit, Secretary General of the German Neurological Society, classifies the whole thing as neurological symptoms. They are considered “an indication that the nervous system is involved.” Streeck and his team had also heard more from Covid-19 patients who had numbness and dizziness.

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The science portal also currently reports an increase in neurological symptoms that would be seen in relation to Covid-19. This also includes stroke patients. Larger studies in China and France put the number of people with neurological symptoms at 36 percent.

However, there are also many mild symptoms, such as headache or dizziness. Additionally, there would be more specific symptoms, such as loss of smell and taste described above. Muscle weakness, seizures, and hallucinations were also seen in severe forms. Until now, researchers have assumed that the aforementioned neurological symptoms are the result of immediate involvement of brain cells with the virus or could also be the result of strong activity of the immune system.

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