RKI: Corona infection rate increases again, and is now at 1.0


The infection rate with the new type of coronavirus has increased again in Germany, according to the Robert Koch Institute. According to RKI statistics released on Monday night, each infected person is now infecting another person, the so-called reproductive rate is 1.0 (data as of 04/27, 00:00). This means that the number of new cases no longer decreases as easily as in the past few days.

In early March, the key number was three, on April 8 1.3, in the last 0.9 days, each with a certain range of fluctuation. The key figure indicates how many people infected an ill person on average.

RKI: the playback number must be less than 1

The RKI has repeatedly emphasized that for the epidemic to subside, this number of reproductions must be less than 1. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had also made clear in the course of announcing the first relaxation of the crown measures that even the Supposedly small changes in the number of reproductions could have significant consequences.

The Robert Koch Institute estimates that around 114,000 people in Germany survived the infection. As for other countries, experts also expect a large number of unreported cases in Germany.
