The federal-state summit has begun. There is much evidence to suggest that the restrictions will be extended. Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Kretschmann also expects the rules to be tightened.
In the context of the growing number of infections, the federal and state governments are advising on how to proceed in the corona pandemic. The prime ministers of the federal states connected to a video conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on Monday afternoon.
It has already been leaked that the crown restrictions in Germany will run until April 18. The ARD capital study learned this from various sources from the deliberations of the federal and state governments. A final decision on future measures is still pending.
What is the next step in schools and nurseries?
Additionally, inquiries should include testing and quarantine regulations for travelers. There is also discussion about closing schools and daycare centers or not opening them at all if educators, teachers and supervised pupils or children cannot be assessed twice a week. Schools and kindergartens could also be closed after an incidence of 200.
Are there exit restrictions for regions with more than 100 incidents?
The federal and state governments want to highlight the agreed “emergency brake” as an important mechanism for further containment of the coronavirus. In view of the exponential increase in the dynamics of the infection, it must be implemented consistently to follow “incidence-dependent opening steps”, the German Press Agency learned from various sources in inquiries from the federal and state governments. With a stable incidence of more than 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days, the first relief in recent weeks should be reversed.
On the table, according to a draft decision document that is available for the ARD capital city study, is also the proposal for tighter contact restrictions or a night curfew in regions with an incidence of more than 100.
More flexible contact rules during Easter off the table
The federal and state governments do not want to loosen strict contact rules for family members visiting during Easter. The German press agency also found out about that. A final decision on future measures is still pending. Before the deliberations, there was talk of relaxing the contact rules a bit during Easter and allowing family visits. Specifically, there was a proposal to allow meetings with four people outside their own home plus children up to the age of 14 from the closest family circle. This arose from a point in a draft resolution that had been sent by the Foreign Ministry on Monday morning.
What will be decided in the end is open. Long, sometimes controversial discussions are expected at the Bund-Länder meeting, which started an hour later than planned.
The state government criticizes vacation trips at Easter
Holiday travel at Easter is problematic from the point of view of the Baden-Württemberg state government. A government spokesman told SWR on Monday afternoon. In view of the rapidly increasing number of infections, now is not the time to talk about vacation travel. The coronavirus mutant is much more contagious and dangerous, and all forms of mobility provoke new contacts. Therefore, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) is also very cautious when it comes to holiday travel within Baden-Württemberg.
Kretschmann wants to explain at lunchtime Tuesday how Baden-Württemberg will implement the resolutions of the federal-state conference on crown policy. Before that, the Greens politician wants to speak at the state cabinet meeting about new measures in the fight against the sharp increase in infection figures.
Baden-Württemberg only wants an emergency brake for hotspots
The green politician had already dashed hopes of relaxing on Friday. We must also hope that things will turn back and harden, the head of government had said.
At the last summit, an emergency brake was decided, which should come into effect when there is a weekly incidence of 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. However, some countries had already said goodbye to him. According to the state ministry, Baden-Württemberg wants to implement the emergency brake, but not at the national level, but specifically in the particularly affected hotspots. Germany surpassed the incidence value of 100 on Sunday, and Baden-Württemberg is also higher. The State Health Office expects a further significant increase. Recently, several districts in the country had to regain flexibility.