Corona summit on Monday: new draft resolution – curfew on edge, countries insist on Easter visits – politics


The federal and state governments want the crown closed extend until April 18. This stems from the draft resolution of the Chancellery for deliberations, which is at the disposal of the Tagesspiegel.

“The existing resolutions of the Federal Chancellor and the heads of government of the federal states remain in force, unless this resolution establishes any deviation. The federal states will adapt their state ordinances accordingly and will extend them until April 18, 2021.” He says. .

In addition, a significant tightening of the incidence of 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days is being debated.

After considerable pressure from the federal states, the curfew requested by Merkel is available again from the night before until the next day at 5 am from an incidence of 100. In a new draft resolution for the federal-state switchboard, the “stricter contact restrictions” are named as an alternative. This template is available for Tagesspiegel.

Therefore, a planned closure of schools and nurseries with an incidence of 200 or more in 7 days should only be done “a few days in advance so that families can adapt.”

In addition, countries insist on exceptions at Easter and want to allow meetings with four people about their own home. “Unlike the close of Easter last year, family visits should be possible this year. The sensible behavior of citizens in Germany during Christmas days has impressively demonstrated how safe family gatherings can be organized, ”says the staff. However, the point remains in parentheses and is therefore controversial.

The document literally reads: “Therefore, from April 2 to April 5, 2021, as an exception to the otherwise applicable contact restrictions, meetings with 4 people beyond their own home plus children up to 14 years of age will be the closest family circle, that is, spouses, civil partners, and partners in a non-marital partnership, as well as heterosexual relatives, siblings, siblings, and their respective household members.
permit, even if it is more than two households or 5 people over the age of 14
Years means “.

On Monday, Angela Merkel and the heads of country will meet via video link to discuss the crown’s measures. So far, Merkel has mostly failed the Prime Minister with national regulations for curfews, and had also managed to make decisions about how to deal with daycare and schools on her own. Therefore, long and controversial debates are to be expected again.

Merkel justifies the threat of hardening and withdrawal of the first relief with the rapid spread of the mutant virus B.1.1.7. Without clearly restrictive measures, the number of new infections would increase so rapidly “that an overload of the health system is likely as early as April.”

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A relevant part of the elderly population has already been vaccinated. But: the “according to current scientific knowledge carries more than 60 percent more mortality of the mutant B.1.1.7 now leading in Germany and the fact that younger patients generally have a longer stay in the intensive care unit They have contributed to the fact that the burden limit of the health system with the emerging exponential growth “will not be reached much later than before the vaccination of the elderly population.”

The following should already be considered safe: Contact restrictions are likely to re-harden. Because the incidence is currently above the limit of 100, from which the “emergency brake” must be applied. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced Sunday that the number of new corona infections per 100,000 residents reported in one week was 103.9.

As of March 7, gatherings with five people from two households, plus children under the age of 14, have been allowed. However, if it is the “emergency brake”, only meetings with someone outside the home, other than the children, would be possible. In plain language, this means: Family celebrations at Easter are canceled.

According to the draft, the big question of is still in dispute. Easter vacations, the period is also in parentheses. This is where the concept of “low-touch vacations” comes into play, which was already circulating in a draft of the countries governed by the SPD.

  • This includes accommodation and overnight stays where you can use your own sanitary facilities and meals can be organized through self-sufficiency.
  • The three coastal states of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony are calling for a joint initiative to allow “low-contact holidays” in Germany under strict framework conditions.
  • Only within your own federal state Holidays in self-sufficient facilities and your own sanitary facilities should be possible, for example, in a holiday apartment, a holiday home or in a mobile home / caravan.
  • The prerequisite for this is a negative antigen test shortly before arrival. Therefore, it could also be here according to the recent statements of the prime minister. regional solutions are coming; at least where the number of infections is low.

With a view of the many travelers who start in Mallorca A significant tightening of the draft resolution is foreseen: “Travel, especially holiday trips abroad, must be combined with an epidemiologically required quarantine and the obligation to take a test before returning home and when entering the Federal Republic of Germany , regardless of the incidents in the country of destination “, emphasizes the draft.

This means: even in risk-free areas, there should now be testing and quarantine obligations, making these vacation trips that much more complicated. However, this is still subject to review. In government circles, the point was harshly criticized on Sunday, because such regulation would have an arbitrary effect and the courts could quickly revoke such a “Lex Mallorca” after the corresponding complaints.

A blanket call is made to refrain from traveling: “The federal and state governments continue to urge all citizens to refrain from travel that is not absolutely necessary in Germany and abroad – also with regard to the upcoming Easter days. entries from foreign risk areas the obligation Registration in the digital entry register is mandatory, and there is a quarantine obligation for a period of 10 days after the return. ”

Call to companies – Advocacy emergency stop 100

In addition, it calls for more speed and an expansion of rapid tests, especially through a voluntary commitment from the companies. “Testing should be offered to employees at least once a week and, if available, twice a week.”

Angela Merkel in a videoconference at the Chancellery with Michael Müller.Photo: picture alliance / dpa / federal government

The SPD ministers-presidents also appeal It is better to keep the offices completely closed. The truth is that in regions with more than 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, the “emergency brake” agreed in the previous change should take effect in seven days. Then shops, museums, galleries, zoos and botanical gardens will have to close again, and Contact restrictions aggravated again in a home plus one more person.

But with faster tests To better secure vacancies and enter a phase of a stronger life with the virus, individual areas of public life will be opened as part of model projects. Rhineland-Palatinate is planning this for outdoor catering, for example. The core conditions are “negative test results as access criteria, IT-supported processes for contact tracing and possibly also for test testing, spatial delineation at the municipal level, and close feedback to the public health service.”

Looking ahead to the deliberations on Monday, it is certain that in regions with more than 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, the “emergency brake” agreed in the previous change should be applied in seven days. Then shops, museums, galleries, zoos and botanical gardens will have to close again, and Contact restrictions aggravated again in a home plus one more person.

On April 12, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the heads of government of the federal states will discuss again in light of the further development of the infection how to proceed afterwards and whether there can be further relief, that will also depend on the development. of the vaccination rate.

+++ This article is constantly updated +++
