In Kassel, Hesse, a demonstration against Corona’s measures sparked violent clashes between the police and “lateral thinkers”. According to the police, more than 20,000 people participated in the protests.
Although only two meetings are allowed at Schwanenwiese and Platz der Deutschen Einheit with strict participation restrictions, participants also marched through the city center. In reality, only counter-protest was allowed.
According to the police, the instructions of the authorities were disregarded during the illegal demonstration. Many would not have used mouth and nose protection and would not have kept their distance.
The mood was incredibly aggressive, Tagesspiegel reporter Julius Geiler reported. As you can see from the videos, the “side thinkers” tried again and again to break the police chains. The police use pepper spray and batons. There were also arrests.
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A water cannon was also used. The police used a helicopter to get an overview of the situation.
The situation had first escalated around noon when counter-protesters on bicycles wanted to stop the unauthorized train of protesters. There were fist fights. Soon after, there were also first attacks on representatives of the press, reports Tagesspiegel reporter Julius Geiler.
It is said that a photographer was punched in the face. Reporting now is difficult for journalists and television crews. Our reporter spoke of massive insults and hostility.
According to the decision of the Administrative Court of Hesse (VGH) on Friday, demonstrations were only allowed at the Schwanenwiese fairgrounds with up to 5,000 participants and in the adjacent German Unity Square with a maximum of 1,000 people. There are other requirements, such as the use of a medical mask and a minimum distance of 1.50 meters between individual participants.
The city of Kassel had tried to the end to avoid all the rallies in the city. The movement had originally announced a rally with up to 17,500 participants. The organizers of the demonstration are said to have called via Telegram to ignore the court’s decision on the location of the demonstration and instead “look downtown or go shopping,” reports Tagesspiegel reporter Julius Geiler.