Corona Sputnik V vaccine could be produced in Swabia


The Russian Sputnik V vaccine could be produced in the future in Germany. The R-Pharm company is investing more than 30 million euros in expanding production in Illertissen, Swabia, announced the Bavarian Ministry of Health. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has not yet decided on the approval of the vaccine. Both Bavaria and Berlin are promoting speedy approval.

“Vaccines are a fundamental tool in the fight against the pandemic. Only they offer us long-term protection against the severe courses of Covid-19 and death from disease, “Bavarian Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) said, according to a press release.” That is why every vaccine we is approved is another ray of hope and a ray of hope “.

The vaccine was developed by the Gamaleja Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow. If approved in the EU, the R-Pharm company also wants to import the vaccine and take over the so-called batch release.

R-Pharm had already announced investments in Illertissen in September. At the time, however, it was mainly the so-called Oxford vaccine, which is produced by AstraZeneca.

Icon: The mirror
