Now Live: Crisis Team Explains Corona’s Regulatory Change | – news


Status: 03/15/2021 1:00 pm

The changes in the regulation of Lower Saxony Corona are the subject of the anticipated weekly press conference of the Corona crisis team. now broadcasts live.

The new rules of the Crown Ordinance affect, among other things, schools and nurseries in regions with high incidence. There, the requirements have been relaxed somewhat: only when the incidence has risen above 100 in three consecutive days do schools have to return to distance learning and daycare centers to emergency operation. The regulation also foresees one day as a buffer: the change must take place the next working day so that parents and children can be informed in time and there is time for organizational preparation.

Ten municipalities out of 100 incidence

Another issue is likely to be the increased incidence in Lower Saxony. Today it increased again, to 79.1. Ten rural and urban districts are now also above the limit of 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and are therefore considered high-incidence municipalities. Flexibilities weren’t possible in the first place or now need to be reversed.

People over 70 can make an appointment for vaccination.

The issue of vaccination is also likely to be on the agenda again. As of today it is Vaccination portal of the state of Lower Saxony and the hotline on the phone number (0800) 99 88 665 activated for the second priority group. People age 70 and older can now make an appointment to get vaccinated. So that the rush is not too great, the country asks people to wait for the corresponding invitation letter. This will be sent to people between the ages of 70 and 79 in the coming weeks, staggered by age. In principle, appointments can also be made without this letter. People with chronic illnesses are contacted by their health insurance companies and can register after receiving confirmation.

AstraZeneca delivers less vaccine than planned

AstraZeneca announced last week that it would deliver about a third less vaccine than announced to Germany in the coming months. Some states like Hamburg, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt then announced that they would slow down vaccines and stopped making appointments for some groups. The crisis team can comment today on how the announced cuts will affect Lower Saxony.

More information

The school bags of the fourth graders of an elementary school can be seen next to the children's tables during class.  © picture alliance Photo: picture alliance / dpa |  Matthias balk

This applies to grades 5-7 and 12. In some municipalities the incidence is too high, where homeschooling is still applied. plus

A swab is held in a corona test facility.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Britta Pedersen

The country recorded 415 new infections and 3 more deaths in one day. plus

Two teenage students in protective masks greet each other with a kick to the elbow.  (Image of the theme) © Photo by Colourbox: -

RKI data show that there are proportionally more infections among those under 15 years of age, and fewer and fewer among those over 80 years of age. More news about the crown on the live ticker. plus

Virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (Editing) © picture alliance / dpa, Frankfurt University Hospital Photo: Christophe Gateau,

Here you will find all the episodes streamed so far to read and listen to, as well as a scientific glossary and much more. plus

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Hello Lower Saxony | 03/15/2021 | 19:30 hours

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