Germany should be able to stock up on vaccines by 2022


A network of manufacturers and a new concept should make Germany independent when it comes to vaccines. Sufficient own production capacity could be available by 2022.

Over the next year, the federal government is aiming for Germany to be able to stock up on vaccines. Starting in 2022, “a secure supply to Germany must be ensured through its own production capacities,” government vaccine commissioner Christoph Krupp (SPD) told the Funke media group newspapers. To this end, a “working group will create a concept for production capacities in Germany from 2022 in May”. The goal is to expand vaccine production and secure them in the long term.

The focus is on new technologies such as mRNA vaccines. In particular, it has the German manufacturers Biontech and Curevac. “But Johnson & Johnson and Astrazeneca also want to produce in Germany,” Krupp said. “We need a network of companies that carry out the different steps of production.” In doing so, the entire value chain must be considered: from the procurement of raw materials to the filling of vaccination doses and the delivery of vaccination by-products and accessories.

In the event of a pandemic, Europeans should also be able to manufacture a new active ingredient for the entire European population within three months, according to Krupp. “It would be 500 million doses of vaccines. Germany should make a powerful contribution to this.”

According to him, a risk management system will be established in March, with which vaccine production will be closely monitored and process interruptions will be avoided or at least recognized and eliminated at an early stage.
