Decision made: the digital vaccination certificate comes from the American company IBM


This is what a digital vaccination certificate might look like.

This is what a digital vaccination certificate might look like.

alliance of images / Flashpic | Jens krick

IBM receives the request for the planned electronic vaccination certificate. Business Insider learned this from government circles.

The US group is thus asserting itself against Deutsche Telekom, among others.

With the digital vaccination card, shops, gyms, restaurants or hotels could decide if they only accept vaccinated clients.

The IBM company receives the request for a digital vaccination certificate. Business Insider learned this from government circles. The American company is thus asserting itself against Deutsche Telekom, which developed the Corona warning app together with SAP last year. IBM and Telekom were recently considered favorites in the bidding process.

The Health Ministry recently wrote to several companies requesting offers. According to the ministry’s confidential bidding documents (available on Business Insider), vaccinated individuals must receive the digital vaccination certificate at vaccination centers, doctor’s offices, and other service providers through vaccination certificates.

This is how the Federal Ministry of Health imagines the use of the vaccination pass

This is how the Federal Ministry of Health imagines the use of the vaccination pass

Business Insider / BMG

The vaccination certificate is first delivered to each vaccinated person on paper (2D code) or directly in a vaccination certificate application on their smartphone. In the latter case, a 2D code, such as a QR code, should be immediately scannable.

In the app, the vaccinated person can create a 2D code, such as a QR code, which, according to the ad, “allows third parties to verify COVID-19 vaccination status in accordance with data protection regulations.” Optionally, the test certificate can also be saved in an electronic wallet on the smartphone. When verified by third parties, an identification document can also be used to authenticate the citizen. ”

IBM: Lucrative contract for digital vaccination certificate

In simple language: using a vaccination certificate application, which will now be developed by IBM, restaurants, shops, gyms, restaurants, hotels and all other facilities that want to regulate access to themselves or have to regulate in accordance with Corona regulations can decide whether to only grant access to vaccinated people. In any case, according to the federal government’s plan, this should only be possible if there are fundamental openings. As in other countries, the state should not yet have its own special rules for vaccinated people.

For IBM, the order appears to be quite lucrative. According to the bidding documents, there should be 50 cents per certificate. With a vaccination quota of 80 percent assumed this year by the Ministry of Health, that is, around 65 million people, the request exceeds 32.5 million euros. The additional schedule for the vaccination certificate can also be found in the documents. Accordingly, the digital vaccination certificate should be ready and go into a testing phase only eight weeks after acceptance. Already in June, the first vaccinated people were able to receive the vaccination certificate in doctors’ offices and vaccination centers.
