Thierse offers Esken a resignation from the party


SPD leader Esken and her deputy were recently “embarrassed” by the “backward” party members. Former Bundestag President Thierse feels approached and reacts with a tough proposal.

There are problems in the SPD, and it goes so far that the former president of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Thierse, has offered the party leader, Saskia Esken, to resign from the party. “Der Tagesspiegel” reports on this. In the letter he asked to inform him publicly if his “permanence in the common party would be desirable or rather harmful.”

He himself had doubts “if two members of the party leadership would distance themselves from me.” This means Esken and Vice President Kevin Kühnert. Thierse’s initiative was prompted by an invitation to an internal party discussion, which had been sent to selected members on behalf of Esken and Kühnert.

Esken and Kühnert “ashamed”

Consequently, the two were “ashamed” of the SPD supporters who painted a “retrospective picture of the SPD.” It was about dealing with queer people. “We suspect and know from personal conversations how deeply hurtful these events and experiences were for you. March should take place.

In addition, party leaders criticized “the lack of rejection of border crossings and the lack of sensitivity” in dealing with queer guests at the forum, which had already taken place on February 18. Thierse, last in a Guest article in the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” When asked when identity politics became divisive, he obviously felt criticism was directed at him and suggested that Esken leave.
