Corona’s draft resolution leaked: these pandemic rules should apply until shortly before Easter – politics


It is one of the most important summits in Corona, and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) knows it: the pressure from the economy and citizens devastated by the closure is immense. Several federal states also threaten to act alone. And there is also uproar in the field of the CDU. Prime Minister of Hesse Volker bouffier summarized in an event organized by the CDU Fulda: “People are fed up.” Many livelihoods threatened with destruction.

After the change of Chancellor Helge Braun (CDU) on Monday with the heads of the state chancelleries and the consultations of the so-called “round of four” – Chancellor Merkel, Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), the president of the Conference of the First Minister, Berlin Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) – the proposals, which on the one hand take into account the risk of an increasing number of infections from virus variants such as B.1.1. 7 and at the same time, provide opening perspectives, in a first draft resolution for the federal / state change on Wednesday 2pm inclusive. The template compiled by the Chancellery is available for the Tagesspiegel.

But Merkel might have a hard time getting her way, as there is pressure for clearer initial steps in national circles. Reference is made, for example, to significantly lower mortality rates and severe courses – an effect of vaccination of citizens over 80 years old, almost all nursing homes and nursing homes are now vaccinated. Therefore, another round of 4 rounds was expected for Tuesday night; a revised draft resolution could be available on Wednesday morning.

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Here’s what the current plan looks like: in principle, the lockdown will run until March 28 – but there should be some relaxation right away, others on a rather complicated step-by-step plan for the next few weeks.

The rulers also know that the Mood at a turning point en – and Merkel had to soften her hard line beforehand in order to maintain a common course. She named a comprehensive quick test strategy as a buffer for a bit more cautious relaxation.

These are the most important points of the draft resolution:

  • Contact restrictions are relaxed. “Private meetings between your own home and another home are now possible, but limited to a maximum of five people.” It is still debated whether from 50 or 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days (incidence of 7 days), his and two other households with a maximum of ten people together can meet again.
  • Bookstores, florists and garden centers must be uniform across all federal states Retail for daily needs be attributed and from March 8 open back. Proper hygiene concepts and a limit of one customer per 20 square meters are required.
  • Also, it should from March 8 those so closed that they hug the body Service companies such as Driving and flying schools be able to reopen with proper hygiene concepts, so a daily updated COVID-19 rapid test or customer self-test and staff test concept are a prerequisite for using the services.
  • The additional opening steps depend primarily on the infection process. Trade It consists of opening with a limit of one customer for every 20 square meters, as previously planned, only from a “stable” incidence of less than 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. But it’s still open whether there may be previous openings for so-called “click and meet” offers, whereby a customer can be approved for every 40 square meters of sales area for a fixed period of time with documentation for the follow-up of contacts in the store after booking an appointment in advance.
  • It also depends on the incidence of 35 Opening of museums, galleries, zoological and botanical gardens, as well as memorials and “non-contact sports” in small groups (max. 10 people) in the outdoor area, also in the outdoor sports facilities. “However, as with retail, there may soon be a partial opening in these areas, but the values Advocacy for this are still marked with “xx”, that is, part Negotiations. For example, museums, galleries, zoos and botanical gardens, as well as memorials could be opened with prior reservation of an appointment and follow-up information of contacts, in addition, earlier relaxation for outdoor sports in Groups of up to ten children up to 14 years of age may also be formed. Outdoor sports facilities ”.
  • Only when new infections are stable below a 7 out of 35 day incidence for another two weeks should larger opening steps occur: the opening of the outdoor catering; the opening of theaters, concert and opera houses as well as cinemas and indoor non-contact sports and outdoor contact sports.
  • However, several federal states insist on opening outdoor restaurants on April 1.. As in trading, paper also has a way of opening it earlier. “Opening of the outdoor catering service for visitors who have booked an appointment in advance with documentation for contact tracing; if people from multiple households are sitting at a table, a daily rapid COVID-19 test is required or a self-assessment of the guests. ” says the template. Theaters, concert halls, opera houses and cinemas could also open earlier for guests with a daily COVID-19 quick test or self-test. Here, too, “xx” is integrated into the necessary incidence figures. The same applies to the former relaxation of indoor non-contact sport and outdoor contact sport; here too, negative rapid tests would be a prerequisite.
  • To one Opening tourism To avoid between federal states with different incidents, precautions should be taken with neighboring areas with the highest incidence “to avoid as far as possible the cross-use of open offers.”

As Chancellor Merkel announced, the easing prospect is underpinned by a comprehensive rapid test plan. But here lies the biggest obstacle to loosening up: despite a theoretically long preparation time of months, the most important key to loosening up, in addition to increased vaccination speed, is only rudimentary: a national rapid test strategy should only be implemented. “by the beginning of April”.

In the future, self-tests and self-tests, as described, will also secure vacancies at restaurants, recreational sports, and cultural events.

To obtain the relevant evidence, the federal government wants to guarantee all citizens up to two free rapid tests, but the organization is the responsibility of the federal states and municipalities. The tests will be carried out in test centers that have not yet been defined in more detail and are operated by the municipality, by third parties commissioned by the respective municipality or by physicians in private practice.

“All this is crazy”, says a representative of the country. You wonder how this could be built so quickly.

In other EU countries, a quick test strategy has been a common practice for a long time, for example in the Canary Islands, which belongs to Spain, which allows the gradual opening of tourism: instruments for digital monitoring have been implemented of contacts and notifications about the situation of Corona through SMS. it has long been standard here. For Germany, the document does not yet offer prospects for tourist trips and hotel openings; this needs to be reassessed in light of the rapid test offensive that is underway.

As part of the new testing strategy, there should also be rapid tests for schools and day care centers to discover undetected sources of infection: for safe school operations and safe child care, federal states must ensure that school and care personnel child, as well as all students per week of attendance Receive an offer of up to two free quick tests with a certificate of the test result, it says on the template.

An S is particularly controversialMandatory quick test for companies. Companies in Germany “are obliged to offer their present employees” at least one or two rapid tests per week, including a certificate of the test result. The CDU economic council attacks him. “Mandatory testing in which employers must also bear the costs of regular testing of the entire workforce is not feasible for many midsize companies, especially in the tense economic situation due to the shutdown,” said President Astrid Hamker Reuters.

Originally, Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) wanted to start with a free rapid test on March 1, but Chancellor Angela Merkel stopped this and called for a strict testing strategy that is linked to an opening strategy.

With a view to Easter, keep the following in mind:

  • The federal and state governments “appeal” to people to refrain from traveling that is not absolutely necessary, both within and outside the country. That means: they are not explicitly forbidden, but best avoided.
  • Unlike the first lockdown a year ago, family visits should definitely be possible in 2021. As an exception to contact restrictions that would otherwise apply, the federal states want to allow reunions with four family members who go more beyond your own home. Children up to 14 years old are not included.
  • When traveling back from abroad, a 10-day quarantine obligation still applies. It can be shortened to 5 days if the test is negative at that time. When returning from areas with more contagious virus variants, a strict 14-day quarantine is still applied.

Citizens are explicitly thanked in the proposal document, knowing that the mood is about to change. “Everyone knows that this implies great limitations and sacrifices. The great discipline with which the lockdown is implemented is even more worthy of recognition. The principle of avoiding contact remains the fundamental tool in the fight against the pandemic and saves “countless human lives every day and prevents serious diseases”.
