Corona News Ticker: Schwesig wants a nationwide outlook plan | – news


Status: 02/28/2021 9:14 am

In the live ticker, will inform you today, Sunday, February 28, 2021, about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. Yesterday’s events you can read on Saturday’s blog.

The essentials in brief:

  • MV: Schwesig calls for an outlook plan for the whole of Germany
  • Infection events: Braunschweig scientist concerned
  • 209 new infections reported in Schleswig-Holstein
  • RKI: Nationwide, a total of more than 70,000 deaths

Tables and graphs: this is how the vaccination campaign works in the north
Map: New infections in the northern German districts

09:14 am

The federal government vaccination officer comes from Hamburg.

Christoph Krupp wants to ensure that more corona vaccine is produced for Germany. He said that before assuming his position as the federal government’s vaccination officer tomorrow. Germany has ordered enough vaccine through the European Union, but this vaccine must also be produced. Manufacturers are of good will, Krupp said in the NDR Hamburg Journal. In practice, however, it is a very complex process with supply chains and approval procedures. According to him, five vaccines are likely to be available by May instead of three today.

More information

Christoph Krupp, Federal Immunization Officer in conversation.

It’s supposed to speed up delivery of the corona vaccine: Christoph Krupp begins Monday as the federal government’s vaccination officer. plus

8:53 am

Rules always apply in the woods, not just in Corona times

Since the outbreak of the corona pandemic a year ago, the forests have been full of people looking to relax. The Schleswig-Holstein State Forests are really happy about it, but they have also recorded many violations. His wish: visitors should better adhere to the rules that always apply there.

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A bin full of garbage on the edge of the forest.  © NDR Photo: Daniel Gensing

A year of Corona, a year of full forests. The country’s foresters complain that many see the forest as a lawless area. plus

8:29 am

Hope for openings in zoos and wildlife parks in Lower Saxony

Zoos and wildlife parks in Lower Saxony hope that the crown’s protective measures will be relaxed and open soon. Zoo Osnabrück Andreas Busemann said that the managing director of the Osnabrück Zoo said that zoos are safer than most local recreation areas where people crowd, especially on weekends. Together with representatives from the Hannover Zoo, the Black Mountains Wildlife Park and the German Wildlife Park Association, he recently campaigned for an early opening in a video conference with Lower Saxony’s Minister of the Economy Bernd Althusmann (CDU). In Schleswig-Holstein, the zoos and animal parks in the outdoor areas can be visited again from tomorrow, in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania from March 8.

07:48 am

Schwesig calls for a German-wide outlook plan

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) renewed her call for an exit scenario from the blockade ahead of the federal-state summit on Wednesday. In an interview with the German Press Agency, he warned that the traffic light system should be revised to make it more flexible: “We urgently need a prospect plan for the whole of Germany. We have to tell people what steps we want to take.” When deciding to relax the applicable crown protection measures, the seven-day incidence of new infections should not be just the benchmark. “We have to take a closer look at the burden on hospitals, such as the status of vaccines. And we have to move forward with tests,” said the SPD politician. In his opinion, more opportunities would be possible with more self-assessments. Schwesig came out in favor of gradually allowing the reopening of the retail business, which had been closed for months, for example with “shopping by appointment”. He wants to campaign for this at the federal-state conference. The Prime Minister asked for patience when restaurants and hotels were opened. She votes for regionally tailored initial steps.

07:33 am

Johnson & Johnson vaccine approved in the United States

Johnson & Johnson’s corona vaccine has received emergency approval in the U.S. Unlike For Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna preparations, the agent only needs to be injected once and does not need to be cooled. US President Joe Biden spoke of an important step in tackling the pandemic. Johnson & Johnson has also applied for approval of the vaccine for the European Union. The European Medicines Agency wants to make a decision on this in mid-March.

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07:00 am

Braunschweig scientist is concerned

Epidemiologist Berit Lange from Braunschweig has called on districts with a high number of infections today not to shy away from the stricter restrictions at the municipal level. “The development in Lower Saxony is worrying,” said the scientist at the Helmholtz Institute for Infection Research (HZI). “The number of infections has not decreased as much as in other federal states. There has rarely been a comparatively low number of reproductions as in Baden-Württemberg or Saxony.” In recent weeks, a lateral movement has been observed in Lower Saxony and the number of infections has recently increased. “We have cities and counties with low incidences, but also those with significantly higher values ​​and a high R-value,” Lange said. The numbers in counties going in the wrong direction should be greatly reduced. For example, the Hannover region has not yet been able to significantly reduce its high infection rates. The regional administration attributes this to the spread of the British mutant, but had recently ruled out measures such as exit restrictions for the time being.

6:22 am

Infection situation throughout the country almost unchanged

The national incidence value barely changes today, if at all: according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), today, as yesterday, it is 63.8 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week. The German health authorities reported 7,890 new corona infections to the RKI; a week ago there were 7,676 new cases. In addition, 157 new deaths were recorded in 24 hours. This brings the total number of people who have died from a proven Sars-CoV-2 infection since the start of the pandemic to 70,045. According to RKI’s current management report, the seven-day national R-value is 1.11 (previous day: 1.08). This means that, in theory, 100 infected people infect 111 more people. The value represents the onset of the infection eight to 16 days ago. If it is below 1 for a long time, the infection process subsides.

6:22 am

The seven-day incidence in Schleswig-Holstein is still greater than 50

In Schleswig-Holstein, 209 new corona infections were reported in 24 hours. A week ago there were 207 cases on the same day. The current seven-day incidence across the country is 50.6 new infections per 100,000 population in a week, just above the 50 mark. In Flensburg this is currently 160.8, in Dithmarschen 8.3 .

6:22 am

From ski vacation to crown crash

It was one of the first corona cases in Hamburg in the spring of 2020: Kolja Jessen returned from a ski holiday in Ischgl with an infection. To this day he suffers the consequences.

VIDEO: A year ago: first corona cases in Hamburg (3 min.)

6:22 am

Corona ticker starts on Sunday

Also on Sunday, February 28, the team will keep you informed about the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news and also the content of the NDR radio and television broadcasts.

New infections reported in northern Saturday: 970 in Lower Saxony, 260 in Schleswig-Holstein, 203 in Hamburg, 175 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and 103 in the state of Bremen. Nationally: 9,762.

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