Crown Bavaria: shortly before Merkel summit – Söder talks about further easing – promises Munich


Bavaria is one of the federal states with the lowest incidence of corona. However, Prime Minister Söder continues to advise caution. Meanwhile, vaccinations are slowly getting under way.

  • At the Corona * summit with Merkel and the other prime ministers, Söder consults on the future course of the crisis.
  • Health Minister Holetschek is happy with more than a million vaccines * in Bavaria (update February 27 at 4:27 pm).
  • The Minister of Economy, Hubert Aiwanger, reaffirmed his opening plans (update on February 27 at 10:30 p.m.).
  • This news ticker is periodically updated.

Update February 27, 10:10 pm: Free voters gathered Saturday for a special party conference. Bavarian Federal President and Finance Minister Hubert Aiwanger spoke virtually with his party colleagues. In doing so, he reaffirmed the opening course that he has been championing for weeks. He demanded: “If the infection process allows it somewhere, and current figures allow it in my opinion, then we have to reopen the store in the next few weeks by mid-March at the latest.” He also added that “until tourism arrives, it goes again during the Easter holidays.”

With his opening plans shortly before the Corona summit next Wednesday, he is of course also putting pressure on head of state Markus Söder (CSU). Despite the low incidence values, this continues to recommend caution. Aiwanger has enough now: “We have to make sure the economy resumes. And that is why we reject further tightening or a blind continuation of the blockade * “.

The deputy prime minister also had a say on the issue of contact restrictions. “We are allowed and should no longer lock people in the basement, but now we have to dare to take orderly action to open the door.” People are social beings and push themselves outward, Aiwanger continued. With his combative announcements, the head of the Free Voters and his party positioned themselves for the upcoming federal elections in September. As an objective, he again gave a coalition of the Union, FDP and Free Voters – “to prevent red-red-green or black-green from reaching the helm.”

Corona in Bavaria: more than a million people received doses of vaccine

Update on February 27 at 4:27 pm.: After a slow start to vaccination in Bavaria, a big record has now been broken. Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) announced on Saturday that more than one million doses of vaccines were administered (as of February 27, 1,030,128 doses). It is particularly gratifying that more than 300,000 people have already received the second vaccine *. “That means in plain language: 344,238 people in the Free State already have full immune protection against Covid-19,” Holetschek said.

The Minister of Health continued: “Bavaria also has a good intermediate result in terms of vaccination rate. In Bavaria, five percent of people (685,890) have already received an initial vaccination. This makes Bavaria one of the top three countries with vaccines in a national comparison. The Free State has a rate of about 2.6 percent for second vaccines. ”

These numbers could only be achieved because Bavaria had “sped up enormously” in recent weeks. More recently, around 30,000 people were vaccinated against the coronavirus * every day, Holetschek added. In January there were an average of 14,600 vaccinations per day. The maximum vaccination capacity is currently 49,000 injections per day. This figure will increase to 111,000 in April. “Our vaccination turbo is really on.”

Crown reduction: garden centers and hardware stores will open starting Monday

First report of February 27, 2021:

Munich – February is coming to an end – and with it the extent of the blockade. But what will happen after that in the Free State? In some regions of Bavaria, the incidence is now below 50, in some places even below 35. The first easing will already take place next Monday, March 1. Then hardware stores, garden centers, and barber shops can reopen.

Blockade in Bavaria: Corona’s summit with Merkel and Söder is imminent

Two days later, on March 3, Markus Söder consults with Chancellor Merkel and the other prime ministers about the additional Corona * course. But even before the summit, Söder gives Bavaria some hope. For example, see room for careful relaxation. “Where the incidence value is low, more contacts are responsible – for example, if the value is less than 35 two households can meet again,” said the head of CSU in an interview with “Evening News”.

There should also be prospects for retail, food, and culture. With the help of quick tests, Söder can easily imagine possibilities for further relaxation. The tests will be used mainly in schools and nurseries. “In addition, pilot projects could be started in municipalities for individual openings, for example a rapid test center in the city opposite the zoo, in order to open it more quickly,” said the Prime Minister.

Crown in Bavaria: Söder welcomes European vaccination passport and promises easing for Munich

However, Söder still sees the only long-term strategy in the fight against the pandemic in corona vaccination *. In doing so, he distances himself from mandatory vaccinations, but at the same time the head of the CSU makes it clear that “it cannot be that those who are vaccinated continue to have the same basic rights restrictions as those who refuse to vaccinate.”

For this reason, Söder would appreciate a European vaccination certificate. “It’s simple: a bit of swords and freedom is there.” Therefore, the Prime Minister himself “will be vaccinated immediately to show that it is not dangerous.” Also with the criticized AstraZeneca vaccine.

With an incidence of 34.8, as of Saturday 27 February, the state capital, Munich, continues to have the lowest value of the German metropolises. However, there was initially no approval for the easing required by Mayor Dieter Reiter. Here Söder continues to ask for caution. However, there is good news for the Munich team: “For Munich there will surely be improvements due to stable values,” Söder announced. The Prime Minister kept to himself exactly how they should look.

Corona in Bavaria: Söder makes it clear: Beer gardens will be closed for now, Oktoberfest 2021 still uncertain

There is also no final statement from the head of CSU about Oktoberfest in 2021. “The risk of such a festival becoming a superpreader event is at least theoretically possible. However: today I do not want to promise or exclude anything, because I do not consider any of these to be serious. We’ll see “. But what Söder makes clear: Until the beer gardens open again, that will take a while due to the highly contagious Corona mutations *. “The worst thing would be if we had to reverse everything in three weeks,” explains his decision.

Meanwhile, teachers and educators have made progress in prioritizing vaccines. Many still have to wait, but the first have already received their vaccinations. More important news from Bavaria can be found here. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA. (kof)
