Withdrawal of flexibility: municipalities ask for “Corona emergency brake”


Status: 02/27/2021 12:36 pm

Policy remains cautious before the next federal-state meeting. The focus is on relaxation for retail and catering. The municipalities are in favor of small steps that can also be reversed.

In the debate on how to proceed in the Crown crisis, the Association of Towns and Municipalities advocates a regulation to withdraw any relaxation that has already occurred. It makes sense “to provide a Corona emergency brake so that openings can be reversed in the event of dramatic developments,” CEO Gerd Landsberg told the publishing network newspapers in Germany. He suggested taking small steps for now. It is conceivable, for example, “in restaurants and pubs, mainly to open the catering outdoors and provide even more space for each guest indoors.”

Landsberg also called for more attention to be paid to the burden on the health system in the relaxation debate, “not just at the national level, but also at the regional level.” The only focus on incidence values ​​is not the correct criteria. In addition, additional security must be obtained through a quick and self-test strategy. “That could mean, for example, that a negative self-test, which is documented with a screenshot on the smartphone, allows easier access to restaurants or public events for a period of around 72 hours,” Landsberg explained.

CSU for a regionally differentiated approach

CSU Secretary General Markus Blume also called for caution. “The dangers of mutations are increasing dramatically, any relief can only take place on probation,” he told the “Augsburger Allgemeine.” When in doubt, a health and safety decision must be made. “The pace is not dictated by politics, but by the virus,” Blume emphasized.

He expects more prospects for vacancies beginning in the next federal-state round on Wednesday. “But there is no basis for a general change of course, quite the contrary.” Blume advocated a regionally differentiated approach. It makes sense to redeem prospects in individual areas like daycare, schools, daycare, or retail. “In other places, caution remains the only criterion.”

Rhineland-Palatinate Prime Minister Malu Dreyer hopes that a “perspective plan” for the openings will be decided at the Corona summit. “We are working very hard in the background between the federal states and the federal government to unite the different ideas that exist,” said SPD politician from the “Saarbrücker Zeitung”. After schools and kindergartens, as well as hair salons, it now comes first to prospects for retail and culture. They will also talk about alfresco dining and the opening of hotels and vacation apartments.

Dreyer wants to relax contact restrictions

Citizens still participated in a disciplined way, Dreyer said, “but it’s also clear that they are totally stressed out by Corona.” This especially affects those who fear for their existence, and also families who are at their limit. “But a perspective plan does not mean that everything will be open tomorrow,” stressed the prime minister. Dreyer told the Berlin “Tagesspiegel” that it would be particularly useful, for example, to facilitate cookouts. “The weather is improving, people are outside, sitting on benches and stairs and drinking coffee, for example.” It is difficult to prohibit restaurateurs from reselling within the distance rules.

Dreyer is also in favor of relaxing restrictions on private contact. “Many people can no longer and do not want to adhere to the guidelines. It is not good for accepting the rules if a majority considers them completely impractical and meaningless,” he said. A regulation “two households with a maximum of five people, not counting children” would make sense.

He cautioned against targeting rigidly the incidence of 35 new cases per 100,000 residents for relaxation. “Incidence number is an important factor, but not the only one,” Dreyer emphasized. Of course, there are many imponderables due to virus mutations, at the same time, more added protection from ongoing vaccines and rapid tests. “We have to go moderately, at the same time safeguard ourselves through vaccination and testing, but we have to bring insights.”

Scholz relies on more evidence

Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz spoke out in favor of cautious opening strategies that are linked to tests and vaccines. “We have a perspective,” he said on Deutschlandfunk. “Vaccination can help us so that we can soon lead a normal life again,” said the SPD politician. One must concentrate on that now. In addition, more opportunities for testing should be created, especially in businesses, doctors’ offices and pharmacies. With regard to the opening strategy, vaccinations and tests, a “comprehensive solution” is necessary.

Scholz calls for well thought out resolutions in the Bund-Länder round. “I insist that we achieve joint leadership here in Germany,” he said. He hopes for a precise strategy in which the citizens, but also the economy, can orient themselves. The hope that things will improve and that “we will be able to enforce the opening little by little” should be extended to everyone. Clear announcements are important, Scholz said. “We have already taken an opening step,” said the SPD chancellor candidate, referring to the school and kindergarten. Other cautious steps would be followed.
