Coronavirus in Germany: “A general hectic schedule does not help anyone”


Status: 02/26/2021 8:23 am

On March 3, the federal and state governments want to discuss further steps in the corona pandemic. While Baden-Württemberg is working on an opening plan, Bavarian Prime Minister Söder warns of mutations against a “blind flight”.

Shortly before the next federal-state meeting, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder called for openings, “but with reason and caution.” “In view of the mutation, we are not allowed to fly blind.

Looking at the step-by-step plans, the head of the CSU in the publishing network in Germany said that you have to be careful “that in the end there is no date that determines all the next steps.” From Söder’s point of view, the control instrument should be the incidence figures.

Baden-Württemberg with opening impulses

Baden-Württemberg had proposed in a push document for the Bund-Laender Roundtable, with the help of rapid tests, among other things, to open parts of retail and gastronomy, as well as museums.

The organizers and operators of the facilities “must ensure that only those visitors who can present a negative test are admitted,” says Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann’s State Ministry newspaper available to the dpa news agency. “In certain areas and on certain occasions we can regain a little freedom without it being at the cost of security,” says the newspaper.

“Very few people vaccinated”

Health expert Karl Lauterbach was skeptical of the Stuttgart plans. “Progress is clearly a risk. I still don’t know how it should work,” said the SPD politician. SWR. Is very few older people are vaccinated. People aged 65 to 80, who are at very high risk, remain unprotected. “Loosening up now is very dangerous because we have a third wave that has already started,” Lauterbach said.

The leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Rolf Mützenich, spoke in favor of a soft relaxation of the closure. “It shouldn’t be too big or too fast,” he says. Deutschlandfunk. The next few days will show what can and cannot be opened.

Mützenich welcomed the digital vaccination certificate launched by the EU summit. This could help, in particular, to facilitate “border management” for travelers. Mützenich followed his criticism of the Health Minister, Jens Spahn (CDU), whom he had dubbed “Minister of Communication.” “If he announces what is happening three times, then I can’t think of anything else. I would call him minister of implementation if all went well.”

Confusion about the number of new infections

Meanwhile, there appears to be uncertainty about the current number of new infections. The RKI dashboard initially showed 9997 new corona infections in one day (as of 03.10am). In addition, 394 additional deaths were recorded in 24 hours. Meanwhile, the dashboard does not show current figures, just a notice that the data is updating.
