Christoph Metzelder has to go to court: possession of child pornography


Former professional soccer player Christoph Metzelder has to answer in court. The reason: possession of child pornography. The process will begin in a few months.

For Christoph Metzelder, things will get serious in a few months. As the Düsseldorf District Court announced on Monday, the prosecution’s charge against him has been upheld. They had taken several months to make a decision. The prosecution had already filed charges in September.

The reason: The former professional soccer player is said to have owned child pornography and youth pornography in 30 cases.

Metzelder opposes the prosecution’s accusations. The process will begin on April 29, 2021.

The court has scheduled two more hearing dates. The last one is May 10. A judgment must then be rendered at the latest. Until then, the 40-year-old is still considered innocent.
